Got Your Number (Part 1)

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 28+3 days
Month: 7
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 26 weeks
Heartbeat: 141
Time to Go: 80 days
Size: Empire State Building
Time til 4D Scan: 2 days
Days til I hit 30: That’d be today

Yup, today I am 30. And I’m not freaking out. Mainly because it’s just a number, right? I’m married, I’ve had some career achievements, I have a child and another on the way, I’m reasonably well travelled, I have an education and I have a roof over my head and wheels to get me around.

So I’m happy. Or at least, I’m thankful for what I’ve got.

Hehe, maybe I’ll blog later and see how much my opinion changes in 24 hours. Turning 30? Bring it on!!

No More Drama

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 28+0 days
Month: 7
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 26 weeks
Heartbeat: 140 summat
Time to Go: 83 days
Size: Leaning Tower of Pisa
Time til 4D Scan: 6 days
Days til I hit 30: TWO. TWO days and I’m thirty. Uh, whoop.

We are inconclusive. Noah has been to the docs, had everything checked (including the mysterious rash that had appeared on his neck in the space of 3 hours), inside his ears are slightly red but not inflamed, chest and throat clear, still has a slight temperature and we have to keep an eye on the rash (which was almost gone by the time he went to bed, 2 hours later).

The most we can get? Viral infection. That classic answer when no one AT ALL knows what the hell is wrong. But you know, that’s ok. People have offered up a million different answers to what is wrong, which is fair enough. But at the end of the day, I couldn’t give a monkeys to what’s wrong, I just want my little guy better.

It’s been such a shitty run of illnesses for him, and I know everyone (worldwide) is doing every sick bug under the sun at the mo. But I just want him to catch a break; long enough for him to not deal with F.O.F. or non-stop coughing or mysterious rashes which come and go in the blink of an eye.

So now, we just keep the Calpol to hand, and always be ready with a large stash of cuddles and burpess and dummies).

In other news, my SPD is now so chronic, Physiotherapist #3 is BOOKING ME IN for weekly appointments now. I think it may have something to do with the fact that on Monday my hips were misaligned by about two inches. Also, one side of my pelvis at the front had shifted out of place by about an inch, maybe an inch and a half. And people think I’m shitting them when I say it hurts to do anything.

I’d gotten to the point where my crutches (yes, from my pregnancy with Noah, which I may have neglected to return) were pretty useless, and every movement left me with tears in my eyes. Not my scene.

So she did her magic manipulation (after marvelling about it with a student, which made me laugh, maybe cos I was proud to be such a fine example?) and mother of god yes it hurt while she did it, but I can walk faster than a snail now, which is helpful. I’m sad that Noah wants to be picked up, like any little boy would, and I can barely do it; this breaks my heart, but I’d rather I cry with pain than have him cry because his mom won’t cuddle him, ya know? How’s the kid to understand?

So fingers crossed, SPD won’t necessarily get better, but hopefully we can keep it under better control. I’m thinking of having Phys. #3 move into our house.

I have to say, I’m REALLLLLLLLY looking forward to the 4d scan on Monday; I feel like T.O.O. has barely had any attention already, and that’s why it spends more time than Noah did making sure it kicks the living crap out of my system. Have you ever been lying on your side, and been kicked so hard from the inside you actually roll over? It’s very surreal. We won’t be finding out the gender, but needless to say I will probably spend hours scanning the dvd afterwards for any clues that only an amateur would pick up on.

I’m NOT looking forward to the GTT on Tuesday, as the last thing I could do with is another “told you so” from the medical world (especially after how much I adore them already). But hey, they wanna do their tests which is fair enough. I will not say “told you so” if everything comes back normal. Also I will not be pissed off if everything goes pear shaped.*

Another thing I AM looking forward to is a trip down to the south coast at the start of Feb; I’m going to see a friend who I’ve never met in person. We’ve spoken many times, and I first got in touch with him by texting him pics of Noah to compare to his own newborn and offering some breastfeeding advice this time last year.

He has no newborn, and I’m hoping to sweet lord in heaven that he does not breastfeed his 2 twenty-something sons.**

I’m going down on my own, without Noah or D, and staying in a hotel on the coast; and I’m excited because it’s going to be 2 days of just me. It sounds so selfish, and I know I’ll feel a little bit guilty while I’m down there, but this will be the first real break from everything in what feels like an eternity. And it’s a break I need, hopefully just to put my head back on the right way round for a little while. Maybe escape some of this endless flying poop.

*Both of these statements are of course blatant lies.
**I hasten to add I thought I was texting someone else, until he politely told me I’d got the wrong number. (EPIC FAIL).

Quick update

Thanks to so many of you who asked about Noah and/or sent us your well wishes, I really, really appreciate it.

This morning Noah’s temp was still up, and while round his grandparents he was rejecting most food and all fluids. He spent most of the day going in and out of sleep on his Grandparents laps, not doing much at all.

So. Not. Noah.

However, since he’s been home he’s perked up a little. We’ve had a Code Brown (that’s my boy) which appeared to make room for a tiny bit of food and he’s guzzled some water. He’s gone to bed quietly, without his narcotic fix, still running a slight temp, but better than before.

Dr’s tomorrow pm, hoping it’s nothing serious.

The Silent Panic Button

Noah has a fever. This morning we took him swimming as usual. This is shortly after I said “God he feels hot doesn’t he?”. No shit, Sherlock. So we took him swimming. He was great as ever, doing every single task without batting an eyelid, and doing stuff that our instructor keeps saying only the toddlers in the advanced groups are doing.

I’m always so proud of him when we’re swimming. I’m so proud of him anyways.

In the car, he fell asleep after only 2 minutes of the engine being on, and once home he slept for three and a half hours straight. He barely ate when he woke up, but drank like a fish. I don’t normally panic over the food thing, I know he can be fussy sometimes, it’s what babies do. That’s ok.

But when 2 hours later, he still wasn’t interested in food and still felt like a furnace, I was feeling pretty bad for him and for my own stupidity for ignoring his heat this morning. He spent the afternoon wobbling backwards and forwards between me and his dad, plopping himself on our laps only to stare blankly at the tv. He barely perked up, laughing only occasionally at the odd tickle or toy (or fart or burp, which I know is inappropriate but god he’s so funny).

We took his temp like clumsy confused parents, and it was high. Like, 38°c high. The dumb batteries in the thermometer are dying so we haven’t got an accurate reading, but the screen flashes red and is always above 38°c every time, at one point reading 38.9°c. I very nearly wet myself.

He’s in bed now, having had the usual doses of Calpol. He’s had some throughout the day, and there’s been no change. I’ve checked him all over for rashes and whatever. I’ve spoken to my mum who’s obviously given some good advice, and it’s all pretty much what we’re already doing. I know there’s nothing else to do at this point apart from to keep the Calpol going and monitor his temp.

But it’s always so much harder to remain calm when it’s your own you know? That silent panic. It just ain’t fun at all.

I ate four chocolate eclairs in 24 hours.

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 27+3 days
Month: 7
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 26 weeks
Heartbeat: Fast
Time to Go: 87 days
Size: Amoeba
Time til 4D Scan: 9 days

And yet somehow, my weight gain is still (albeit marginally) lower than this stage with Noah. And as someone on Facebook pointed out, I’m well on my way to my 5-a-Day, right?

I spoke to Snr MW#2 today, Snr MW#1 was unavailable. But that was ok, because Snr MW#2 also happened to be in charge of Risk Assessment in labour and delivery, and a VERY VERY VERY nice person. Who was full of respect. And DIDN’T talk to me like some dumb ignorant whore who didn’t know any better.

She’s going to relay everything I said to Snr MW#1 and try to request me a different MW, as well as “have a chat” with my MW.

We’ll see what happens, but at this stage I’m VERY pleased and finally starting to feel reassured about the birth again. I confess I was starting to get really apprehensive about it all, and even though I had no intentions of giving in, I sure as hell wasn’t feeling very confident in myself or anyone else.

On a lighter note, Noah has demonstrated utter extreme cuteness lately; he has this book with loads of pictures of animals and farm stuff. Ask him to point to the cat or the duck on any page and he’ll find it (which means he’s actually sitting still long enough for that to happen!). Mention Archie (our cat) and he’ll bring you her doughnut bed (which isn’t so great because it’s plastered with fur) or he’ll shout at the cat. “Ah! Ah! AH! ….*point* AHH!”

Also, he’s started trying to say “duck” (which comes out “a-duh”) and does the duck actions for a song I sing to him (his fat little hands waving and clenching); only he does it with this sly awesome grin on his face, like he knows how cute he is. Ahw man, he’s such a dude.

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