Time Wasting Tra La Laa Blah Blah BLAAHHH

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 41+2 days
Month: 10
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 39 weeks
Time to Go: I don’t like that question anymore.
Size: Yeah.
Time til potential induction: Tomorrow.

May I mention a few things? (well I’m gonna anyway)

My Baby Widget (bottom left column): Did anyone see where the little floating baby thing went from inside the widget? Is someone trying to tell me something? If you took the lil baby, can you please return it? Otherwise I have no excuse for this colossal belly.
Inductions: I have had a LOT of feedback (and I mean A LOT) about inductions. And it’s interesting to hear your stories of how they went. Now it’s important that you understand my point of view. I have nothing against them. Women need them all the time. I know that. I Understand that. Totally. I honestly do.

What’s also important is that not everyone’s story is the same. I do not judge anyone for having an induction; Christ no. I have my reasons for my decisions in terms of an induction. And they seem to revolve around being told “Labour! Dangerous! GAH!” and then in the same breath, “Labour! You need it! GAH!”

I need my body to BE READY to potentially deliver a large baby with the additional complications. It was ready with Noah. Which is why that birth went so well. I am fully aware that Noah’s birth could have gone so much worse. But my body (and mind) was ready for anything. Including taking on the world, cos I’d like to try being a superhero like that, but anyway I digress.

I DO NOT feel as ready for this birth, and that’s just ONE reason why I’m against induction right now. I know my body. I understand it. More than anyone else could, because it’s mine. And right now, I have very little faith in a LOT of things, which makes me feel not ready. Hell, as of this minute, I have no idea how I feel about potentially being induced tomorrow.

In the same breath, I would also like to THANK YOU for your support, it really means a lot. I know so many of you out there DO in fact give a shit, and I seriously, seriously appreciate it. I love you all. Apart from when you poke fun and then I just salute you the finger from behind my mac.

Texts/messages: Again, I know you all care. I appreciate that. But it’s hard to deal with when in one day, the texts go into DOUBLE FIGURES asking if I’ve had the baby yet. Please PLEASE remember that of all of us, I’m quite possibly THE MOST frustrated and anxious of us all, and it’s made harder to remain chilled out when I’m constantly addressing the fact that NO I HAVE NOT HAD THE BABY YET I WILL NOT FORGET TO TELL YOU IT’S GOING TO BE PRETTY DAMN HARD TO MISS REMEMBER HOW YOU FELT WHEN PEOPLE HARASSED YOU ALL THE TIME AND OMFG AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH.

So, um, yes, again I appreciate it, but please assume that I will update the the very second I have a contraction worth mentioning or I stand up and think I’ve spectacularly pissed myself when in fact my waters have gone or They finally get their wicked way with my Mary Jane and induce me. I won’t forget you all, I promise.

(In fact, if you check my blog from when I went into labour with Noah, you’ll see that you lovely people were in fact second to be updated, the first being D because you know, I felt that he was a little bit more important.) 

(And Kelly I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, lady.)
Tomorrow is yet another stressful Friday, where I wonder if I’ll be coming home or not after the appointment. I have no idea what’s going to happen, though I’m anticipating being home sometime next Tuesday.
Now, if someone (A3?) could return my 2nd bag of Skittles, I would appreciate it because I can’t find them, chocolate choux buns and eclairs are getting dull and might have to start kicking some ass soon.

I’ve had it!

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 40+6 days
Month: 10
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 39 weeks
Time to Go: I refuse to answer.
Size: of what? Me? The adult I’m growing?
Time til potential induction: 4 days *cringe*

And I don’t mean the baby.

People. There is NO NEWS YET.

FYI, remembering how much I was driven batshit last time, I can no longer be arsed to respond to the texts that read anything along the lines of the following:

Is there any new yet?

Have you had the baby yet?

Is anything happening yet?

Have you given birth yet?

In fact, I suspect anything with the word “yet” in it, may just leave me cursing words that even hardened criminals have never heard of. PLEASE. I will LET YOU KNOW if there’s ANY. NEWS. AT. ALL.

Oh, and as an aside, it really sucks to receive texts that start along the lines of “Hi! I’m just out with {insert your friends names here} having lots of drinks and we’re all speculating over your situation!! Quite funny really!!! HA HA HAAAAA!!!!!11!!1!!!!”

However, I am compensating by eating everything and anything that comes my way. I consumed half a pineapple and a chocolate choux bun yesterday. After I DIDN’T finish my tea. Then I ate some more chocolate. AFTER I got into bed.

Today I’ve had scrambled egg and beans. Followed by an ice lolly. And I’ll probably have ANOTHER ice lolly. Followed by even more crap.

Because I can be excused for looking large. You? Can’t.


Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 40+4 days
Month: 10 (That’s some funny shit right there)
Trimester: 3 (or maybe 4, I need to check this…)
Fetus Age: 39 weeks
Time to Go: About 3 years ago
Size: The coffee table
Time til potential induction: 6 days

Ultimatum of the day.

Consultant Mr U: We’re obviously very concerned about this polyhydramnios. We would normally induce early on.

Me: But wouldn’t that cause more problems?

Mr U: Well quite frankly we can keep an eye on things that way. But you don’t want any intervention, is that right?

Me: Well yes…

Mr U: That I can understand. I know you’re not happy about things.

Me: Yeah, intervention just freaks me out.

Mr U: Ok well that’s fine. The plan is this – you can either have an internal now to see what’s happening or you can stay in hospital until you go in to labour.

Me: …uh…I’ll just get undressed now…

And to add insult to injury? There’s absolutely NO action AT. ALL. Zip, zilch, nada. Everything closed up and no sign of imminent arrival.*


*I hasten to add, I’ve been on the raspberry leaf tea for some time, I’m eating pineapples til my mouth disintegrates, I’ve eaten more than enough spicy food, my crotch hurts for bouncing on the ball and my feet are like boats from walking around so much. And if anyone suggests sex, well, the only sex I’ll be having is with a turkey baster, thanks.

40 and more

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 40+2 days
Month: 10
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 38 weeks
Time to Go: And already that’s not even funny any more.
Size: Roughly the size of the bull in the field opposite my house
Time til potential induction: 1 day. Hm.

And still going strong. Though I did have a Super-Poop yesterday, followed by contractions that were definitely worth writing home about. I would have been more excited though, had they been getting closer together rather than the sporadic random timing with which they presented themselves. Love to keep me guessing eh?? Thanks!

And of course, visit from AMW yesterday, who looked at me a little disbelievingly at the fact that I HADN’T GIVEN BIRTH YET. Yes lady, I’m still preggo, come join the party! She did, however, announce that the head is now 1/5 engaged (which basically means that it’s almost rammed into my crotch and ready to go). As a subsequent pregnancy, this can only be good news given that I’m told on a DAILY basis that subsequent babies don’t engage until the last minute.

Of course, one may need to define the meaning of “minute” to an unborn, cos clearly, some just don’t get it.

I obviously tried not to get excited last night, and found that it was actually quite easy to not get excited to be honest. I’m quite cynical at the moment about it all, and half expect to go into labour AFTER tomorrows meeting with the consultant. Which is fine; I know I went 3 days over with Noah, and according to the due dates at the hospital I am currently 40+1. Which is fine. If we were to go RIGHT back and go by “real” dates, I don’t think I’d actually be due until next Wednesday (which is even funnier and something not worth thinking about right now).

I guess it’s time to start walking. Cos you know, SPD + walking = AWESOME.

Incidentally, people, I WILL update when I know I’m on labour I can assure you. You’re welcome to follow my updates on  which will probably give the most up-to-date commentary I can do, or check my facebook page if you’re there and I’ll try to do the same there. Trust me, I don’t think I’m going to suddenly forget to announce I’m in labour and/or delivered a 27lb infant. Unless I’m truly drugged up of course.

Psychic Shmychic

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 40+1 day
Month: 10
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 38 weeks
Time to Go: TODAY. Not tomorrow, TODAY.
Size: Bigger than me. Figure that out.
Time til potential induction: 2 days. Meh.

Sooooo….it turns out you REALLY can’t predict these things, huh?

Yes here I am, at 40 weeks and still pregnant. I’m now on my 2nd due date (the one that THEY use, even though they’re only a day apart). As far as I know, there is NO sign of this one coming any time soon. Sure, I’ve had ridiculous amounts of BH, I’m all pooped out I think for the first time (in a long time) I can say I’m all empty, I’m restless as hell and pretty much no longer have an appetite.

Most days are spent pacing up and down like some crazy restless woman, trying really hard not to feel sick all the time. I often feel like I’m about to lose my marbles and I’ve ONLY JUST hit due dates. SHEEESH.

So what happens now? Well AMW is coming this afternoon, where she might actually ask me why I haven’t had the baby yet (albeit jokingly…I hope…) and then ask how I feel about Friday’s induction.

How do I feel about Friday’s induction?

I danno. I don’t want an induction and will probably decline. They’ll probably want to do a sweep *shudder* because I know they’re shitting themselves even more than me about the size of this baby. But my reason for declining is logical from my point of view; if my body isn’t yet ready to push out a colossal baby and they started it anyway, would that not lead to more trouble? Do we not see a C-Section on the horizon?

Sure I’m uncomfortable, and appear to have developed Pregnancy Tourettes (randomly screaming “GET OUT” and “NOW, BITCH”, accompanied by the odd “DAMN YOU, CROTCH”), and SPD has reached hilarious new heights (current record – 15 minutes to maneuver myself out of bed), and, you know, I have no sanity left, but I have to remember to be very realistic about what my body is about to go through.

Even at this stage I see no point in downing pineapples/curries or even pineapple curries (lmao people, ya’ll funny), or indulging in some seriously uncomfortable sex (er yes hi, have you people SEEN me?), and even bouncing on the ball doesn’t seem to do much. T.O.O. is (apparently) 2/5 engaged and very rarely lies on my left (like it’s supposed to).

Ahw crap, and I thought Noah was defiant, this one is going to be a right little shit, for sure.

Sadly though, I’m prepared for the worst. I’m expecting to go into labour sometime next week, and end up having a section. Just cos, you know, The Law of Sod. which is a real shame. But we’ll see.

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