In Other Words

I’m on a major downer. One of those “Woe is me, I’m the worst mother EVAH and everyone thinks I’m shit at my job and my children hate me and I don’t know how to deal with them and wah wah frigging WAH.”

I dunno where it’s come from. Maybe I’m just tired. SO very, very tired. Yes I’m on holiday, I appreciate that, but it doesn’t matter where the hell you are, you’re always a mum, you’re always doing your job. I’m not saying PND. I’m still fighting that, every waking day. But I know I’m not happy with myself right now.
And so, instead of whining about it all and going on and on, and then have all you lovely internetz peeps leave lovely messages and the like, and tell me to stop being so fucking ridiculous and to just get the hell over myself, I have chosen to indulge you with copious amounts of my obviously gorgeous children on holiday.
There may be duplicates. But you know, sometimes just seeing the picture once isn’t enough.

Counting up and down

We’re on Day 4 sans pacifier. He still has it for bedtimes, but doesn’t have it at all in the day. I think being away on holiday has helped a bit, yet we expected child of Satan to have emerged by now, especially as he’s sleeping in one colossal single bed in a creepy bedroom on his own.

He’s been on the naughty pillow a few times, rarely more than once a day to be honest, in fact only one day was he on there twice. Despite somehow still looking and being awesomely cute and awesome and by the way, did I mention awesome?
You know who else is awesome? You guys. I’d also like to thank everyone for their responses regarding the whole speech thing…we (D and I) appreciate all your feedback which has been very informative. Needless to say we’re still Wah wah wahhh yaddah yaddah, and understand what you’re all saying.
I noticed a lot of people mentioned that perhaps he’s just not ready to talk; I’d have to say the opposite. There have been so many times where the poor kiddo is pointing at something or shaking his head furiously shouting “AUUH!!!” louder and louder, hoping we’ll somehow understand him. So many of his tantrums begin by means of him not being able to communicate. And he babbles. Boy does he babble. But it’s all the same word, or sound. That “auh” noise.
His signing is great; he’s picking up new words at a rate of knots at the moment, yet with each new word he signs, comes the sound “auh”. To be honest, if he wasn’t learning to sign, we’d all be fucked. (Hello, can you say “screaming murderous tantrum”?)
I was told to follow my instincts. They say the Mama is always right, right? My instincts tell me Noah is late to talk, and though I wouldn’t expect him to hit every milestone “at the right time” (whenever that may be), my instincts tell me he’s late and that whilst I shouldn’t go all out panic, I do feel something is wrong.
I’m not on all out panic mode, that’s a while away yet. But I do still stand by there being something not quite right. Maybe I’ll be proved wrong.

Wah wah WAAAHHH.

I haven’t read comments from yesterday’s post yet, but I know I can’t wait to see what you all had to say regarding Noah and possible “Speech Delays”. And um, after all my whining and panicking and shit, Noah did a day without his soother today, having it only for a nap time (where we gave it to him without thinking) and at bedtime (when he asked for it).

Annoyingly, awesome as that was (and I swear to the good lord we were freaking THRILLED, especially as it wasn’t planned), I still found myself analysing his every move, listening to his every sound, all day.
Why is he lining his cars up all pointing the same way on the window sill like that?
Did he just say the words “thank you”?
Why does he always have to have everything “just so” when he wants to watch tv?
If I say “light” twenty times over to him, do you think he’ll say it back?
Are all toddlers this quirky?
Probably not, but not so many are this cool.

Talking Instincts

For quite some time, I have been very worried about Noah’s speech.

*collective gasp/eye rolling/blissful ignorance*

No seriously. I know you’re all like, “uh, dude? Not even two.”

And I’m all nervous mom, hand wringing, um-ing and ah-ing about it all. And then I kinda do the whole cocky well-my-kiddo-was-walking-at-8-months thing in that way that’s being an asshole but pretending not to be an asshole, even though I’m totally being an asshole.

Now he’s nearly two. I am genuinely worried now. I didn’t make a big deal of it before because exactly that; he’s only nearly two. And I’m all “well he’s been busy walking and um, being uh, physically developed, and uh, that’s been his priority and stuff”. You know, in a not so assholey kinda way.

But he’s done all that now. He walks, runs, jumps, spins around, falls over, tumbles, gets up, climbs up, climbs down, do all that crazy shit Sportacus does…and it’s all so easy to him and he’ll do it again and again.

But he’ll point to a light in a room, and say “UH”. The same noise he made when pointing to lights last Christmas, some nine months ago. He’ll make that same noise for most things.

Noah’s current vocab:
Dada, Mama, Nana, teeth, twenty, Isaac, no, Lee.

Aaaaaand that’s it. Of those 8 words, the first four are clear as day. The last four are identifiable because we understand him. No one else does. He said hiya a few times. We haven’t heard that for a while. His sign language, however, is impressive in my opinion. Sometimes we only have to use a sign once in context and he’ll remember it.

Noah’s current signs:
Please/thank you, yes, no, eat, more, biscuit, milk, sorry, brother, duck, chicken, monkey, teddy bear, hug, baby, car, wheel, hot, smell, beep, noise, sleep, cry, drink, elephant, star, hello/bye bye, fish, medicine.

There are more but I can’t even remember them right now (he knows more than me).

Noah’s animal sounds:
Dog, cat, chicken, monkey, elephant, lion, zebra, horse, frog, cow.

He’s only 20 months. ACK. He’s ONLY 20 months. But you know what? I worry. I worry a LOT. Can you tell I’m worried? Because I really am worried.

I want to blame it on his dummy. I hate that thing, and I want to get rid of it. Hell I wanted to get rid of it ages ago, but my spineless self couldn’t face the tears and tantrums that would follow. Having said that of course, he’s going through so many fantastic tears and tantrums these days, I often wonder to myself what difference it would make.

But the fact is, we tell him to take his dummy out to speak to us and the exact same noise comes out. Also, I say again, when he does say some of his words, they’re as clear as day. The rest, well, I haven’t a clue. There’s rarely a change in inflection, his babble is minimal and usually revolves around the words he already knows.

I’m in danger. You know that that makes you an instant doctor, qualified or no? You know, where all your heart’s desires are fulfilled, ? Well at the moment I’m doing all I can to make sure I don’t try to become an expert in verbal communication.

D and I sat and had a very long talk last night. He’s worried too. We’re on holiday at the moment, and we’ve decided that when we get back, we’re going cold turkey on dummy elimination. It’s gone, it’s over, time to let it go. We wanted it gone by the time he was one. I failed. Then I said 18 months. I didn’t even try. So now, it has to be by the time he’s two. We just cannot face him still having it when he’s 3. I appreciate some people let their children have their soothers until they’re 5, 6 sometimes maybe 7 years old.

I also appreciate when people say “Ahww but it makes him happy! Other babies still have theirs…” D’s response was “Ok so if feeding people cocaine makes them happy, should we also do that to our child?” I love his way of thinking, and oddly enough, that makes sense to me.

I’m nervous. We’re both nervous. Noah still seems awesome somehow.

Who’s In Charge?

Noah…hmm. Noah. He became a teenager overnight. Tantrums, strops, hell we have a Naughty Pillow. And he’s done time.

Noah pushes my buttons. Impressively well. Like, “hey bitch momma, are you annoyed right now? Well I’m really gonna show you annoyed. Check it!”
And then he’ll proceed to annoy the shit out of me.
And I’m all, “bitch? You don’t want to mess with me. I am the momma. The Momma.”
Still, I often wonder if I can sell him on eBay.

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