Kreativ Blogger Award

Hah! I got another award, and, while I think I’ve had this award before, the lovely over at How I Like My Coffee has altered it and made it a little more interesting (and challenging I might add…)!! Instead of “7 things about yourself that people might find interesting”, I have to do “interesting things in 7 photos”.

Ah that girl appeals to my nature, she does. And I gotta admit, I love a challenge.
So here are the “rules”, if you will.
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award – Thank youuu!! :D
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog -

3. Link the person who has nominated you for the award – See 1st paragraph!
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting. – See (variation) below
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers – Hmmm…See below
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate – Guess what? Yeah, see below
7. Let the nominated victims bloggers know they have been tagged – I guess I do that when I’m done?

Alrighty, 7 interesting photos!! All of these images are straight from camera and unedited…so here goes…
I took this on the 1st June 2009, nearly a month after Isaac had been born. Me, D and the boys decided to spend the day at the Safari Park and it was a great chance for me to see if I could photograph wildlife! I’d never done it before, and while I got billions of shots, I’d have to say this one of a lion walking across the road right in front of us is my fave…
I am a HUGE fan of crazy photography using special effects and little to no post processing. I’d seen someone’s photos of water splashes and droplets and things, and decided to go for something a little bigger…so I started throwing a lime into a pint glass of water, backlit with a white torch and a green led. I remember cleaning up an awful lot that night…
I warned you I like the crazy stuff, eh? This was taken down in New Polzeath, Cornwall as part of a music portfolio I was putting together, about 4 years ago. We’d just finished and I was holding my cello stood up in the sand. I went to lift it, but the spike was stuck in…so I let go. And this was the result.

Of course; the birth of Noah, 6th January 2008. His birth story can be found here and in this pic, he’s maybe 8 hours old? I hated that I ended up in hospital, but the fact is he was still born at home in a birthing pool, weighing 10lb 15oz. Word.

And it would be wrong not to include Isaac, born 5th May 2009. In this pic he is about 4 hours old…and yes, his feet are at the bottom of that babygrow; he was 11lbs 0.5oz and his birth story is here. I look like shit. He looks awesome.

Taken on new years eve 2009, it’s a partial eclipse of the moon. I didn’t even know about it until I saw someone tweet it, and I was particularly happy as I’d gotten a telephoto zoom lens only days earlier for Christmas. This was my first attempt at learning how to use it. This pic always give me really cool goosebumps.

One of the most insane pictures I’ve ever taken. This was a VERY long exposure in pitch blackness on Polzeath Beach in Cornwall. I created light orbs in the dark, with some help from my bro in law (he wanted to do an orb too so I let him do the blue one). The weird streaks you can see in the sky are trails from the stars (as the earth turns), and the trails on the ground are from rolling a glow-in-the-dark ball along the floor. So. Much. Fun.

And so to my nominees. And since I quite like Muddy No Sugar’s idea of photos, let’s say we carry it on, and these next 7 people ALSO have to do a photo version.
Clinically Fed Up
Momma Ruth Says
Blog Up North


  1. MrsW says:

    That's some heavy duty birthing woman – if you're anything like me they get bigger every time? Brings tears to a glass eye thinking about it. How do you do those orbs? How do you get them so round? Poi? Lighty poi? Torches on string? They are fab. I've been meaning to have a go at light painting for ever but getting out when it's dark and not cold – yeah I am a pussy photog :) I like the twist on this Kreativ award – think it just might kick me out of my bloggy fug :)

  2. MuddyNoSugar says:

    Wow, wow and wow. I knew you would come up with something AMAZING – I love the all of the photos. Awesome.

  3. Laura says:

    I love this, will get on with it this week. … and those big babies …. shit.

  4. mochabeaniemummy says:

    LOL yes it seems I don't do small babies – they're naturally that big, no gestational diabetes, all tests normal. Hah! I ain't trying any more. :D Yes the orbs are done with torches and light poi on strings. To get them so round I turn very tightly on the spot. I'm thinking about getting someone to film me doing it one day… :D Can't wait to see what you come up with, hats off to Muddy No Sugar for the twist on this one!!

  5. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Thank you honey!! Gotta say I really enjoyed it, well done you for kreating a twist on it ;o)

  6. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Brilliant idea, right?! I loved doing it, can't wait to see what you come up with.

    And those big babies! Fuck yeah.

  7. mrsljhall says:

    Love the lion, thought you'd peaked at that pic but no! Followed by a further 6 amazing photos – if I have o pic a fav I think it would be the cello, no, the moon, oh I don't know, all great!

  8. Magicmummy says:

    Your pictures are brilliant – I really wish I could do something like that.

  9. Steph says:

    I love your pictures. Especially the star trail in the orb photo. And the moon. *swoons* I'm all over astrophotography as soon as I can get somewhere where the light pollution is minimal!

    And also, you look mighty fine so soon after birth, woman!

  10. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Ahw thanks! I was chuffed to bits to spot the star trails, that's \”another one on the list\” to try again soon. Get yourself out to a random field somewhere!
    As for looking mighty fine, it's a trick of the light ;o)

  11. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Hee hee thank you very much!! I confess I couldn't pic a fave; love them all for very different reasons :D

  12. mochabeaniemummy says:

    But you can!! Some of the crazy light stuff you can do with a regular old point and shoot digital camera…maybe even a camera phone if the setting is there… :)

  13. Livi says:

    Wow, all the photos are incredible! Wow!

  14. Awesome , amazing pictures. Im in awe but there so good , you are talanted there.

  15. maddydodo says:

    The cello on the seashore one is genius!

  16. jobeaufoix says:

    Bloody hell those are amazing. The moon and cello one are gorgeous, as are you and your baby boys. Can't believe you managed to get them out lady, and you look fab in both those pics too, Be-hotch.

    As for the orbs, they're fab. I nearly had a heart attack at the drink one though. For a moment I thought you were wasting mojitos. That would have been so so wrong.

  17. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Ahw thank you! :D

  18. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Ahw fanx :D :D

  19. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Considering it was a fluke, it turned out pretty cool!! :D Thanks very much!!

  20. mochabeaniemummy says:


    Jesus those two words next to each other doesn't even compute.

    But thanks :D

  21. Annie says:

    Just popped over here for the first time via Sticky Fingers. Excellent photographs. I particularly like the Cello stuck in the sand… I bet that would sell well.

    And crikey.. nothing like giving birth to whopping babies.

  22. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Thanks very much! It's already been used for a few images so I'm really pleased! And I'd agree – NOTHING like giving birth to whopping babies ;o)

  23. geekymummy says:

    Ooh, all so great and so different. My favourites are the cello, so Dali, and you and newborn Isaac. What a very personal and precious shot, brand new mum and baby. Makes me tingly, and takes me back to the births of mine.


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