Silent Sunday

What is Silent Sunday?

Silent Sunday


  1. Fab! A musician in the making, he's so focussed & looks like his fingers are getting the hang of it. Cx

  2. theboyandme says:

    Beautiful photo Jay. I love seeing the faces of toddlers when they start exploring, we've recently shown The Boy our piano and he loves it.

    Good luck being a tough nut this week.

  3. kelbrett says:

    A rock star in the making! Great photo!

  4. Jacq says:

    I love the look on his face. He's completely captivated by it, isn't he? Thanks for the explanation. ;)

  5. Fab photo – such concentration.

  6. Quiety strumming away! Very chilled. Love it!

  7. Jacq says:

    He's completely captivated isn't he?

  8. Following in Mummy's footsteps. Different instrument, same heart.

    Mich x

  9. Sarah says:

    I've only recently started to join in with Silent Sunday and initially found it really, really hard to avoid words. I usually write far too much ;)

    Anyway, having seen your photograph this week, and others, I really 'get it' now.

    I see 'more' because there isn't the distraction of words.

    You've beautifully captured a moment here. The fascination of a child discovering the joy of making a musical sound.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      I've just seen your post and yes, you are SPOT ON. I love your post, it's awesome, and exactly as you've said, words can sometimes be a distraction. Thank you so much! :D

  10. marisworld says:

    Hendrix? Gallagher? Springsteen? Clapton or a mini Mountford in the making? Love the excitement in his eyes

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      I took so many because his face just said everything and yet something different in every photo! :D

  11. says:

    when he pays off your mortgage with his musical talent you will recall this moment

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      You and I? We think very much the same on this one. ;o)

  12. Gorgeous shot it captures the wonderment of childhood :)

  13. He is really concentrating and enjoying himself. Is he following in your musical footsteps?

  14. Awww, it's never too early is it. Lovely. :)

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Totally agree. :D

  15. Kate says:

    Gorgeous! He's really concentrating there! x

  16. Jenny Paulin says:

    Aww lovely! Good to start them young!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Absolutely – nothing wrong with a bit of exposure! :D

  17. MilkChic says:

    That's just beautiful. It's so hard to capture that pure toddler concentration without distracting them and destroying the moment.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Indeed. Thankfully he was so engrossed I think I train could have gone through the room and he wouldn't have noticed :D

  18. Liz Burton says:

    Just like his mummy :0)

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      I gotta admit…I love that :D :D :D

  19. mumfordandsons4real says:

    Stunning picture, heres hoping he finds a love for music hey!

  20. Lisha says:

    Eric Clapton ain't got nothin' on him…love this shot!

  21. Cassie says:

    Fab.U.Lous!!!! Love this, it really made me smile :) xx

  22. Alethea says:

    I love the look on his face! It's like something has just clicked inside his head and he 'gets' it. Absolutely gorgeous!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Thank you – that actually happened! He was just being crazy with it then he suddenly seemed to realise a specific way to get a better sound; the concentration was so cool :D

  23. SAHMlovingit says:

    So much beautiful concentration on his face. You've capture a beautiful moment there Jay x

  24. mummywalker says:

    Love this, guitar lessons soon then? x

  25. bubbleboo says:

    Oh Jay, what a beautiful moment :)

  26. Kerry says:

    How gorgeous he is concentrating so hard bless him xx

  27. says:

    My daughter plays and I wish someone had ‘captured’ me early. Precious. PS: you’re not airbrushing those children are you? Too cute. :)

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      I think that's why I'm constantly shoving the camera at them; loads of "missed" photos with me too. And they're not really my children, I stole them from the local child modelling agency. ;D

  28. tiddlyompompom says:

    He is so unbelievably cute :)

  29. sezi13 says:

    That is gorgeous! Love to see little ones start exploring musical instruments :-)

  30. Susan mann says:

    So cute and such a gorgeous photo. You caught the child curiosity perfectly x

  31. LauraCYMFT says:

    Awww what a cutie! And such a concentrated look on his face!

  32. says:

    Aww looks like he'll be musical when he's older!

  33. Emma says:

    Lovely pic! Look at the concentration on his face! :) Emma

  34. Run DMT says:

    How precious! Start them young, I always say.!

  35. Jenn says:

    Love his focus – he's beautiful.

  36. says:

    Love the concentration on his face :-)

  37. The fascination in his expression is priceless.

    CJ xx

  38. Kate Sutton says:

    Oh look at those chubby fingers! I miss them! Beautiful pic .. Greensleaves?? :)

  39. pamperedmummy says:

    How cute and very talented!

  40. Adrenalynn says:

    Oh, that is just gorgeous! I love the look on that face! Fabulous angle too.

  41. Kate says:

    Lovely. Just lovely.

  42. Beautiful photo: such a look of content concentration.

  43. Sarah @Sarh says:

    He's concentrating well on that.
    That's it once they get a guitar in their hands they never give up and you have to spend a fortune on guitars and stands :)

  44. Hi
    Read your post re the rules – I think I follow them all – I also credit you and link to your site – though you don't mention this in the rules.
    Maybe it isn't one but it seems only polite?!
    I just signed up here via the linky – and it seemed to accept me but I now see the linky is closed and the post doesn't seem to have gone up. Not sure what I did wrong.
    If you want to look this is my post
    Re whether posting pix is lazy – I don't think so – after all you have to have taken the photo don't you… but it is quicker as far as computer time is concerned.
    Also you can get v quick enjoyment out of a photopost – you don't have to read a lot of words so I think there's a definite place for it and it's a great idea.
    For those with more than one picture of course there's wordless Wednesday and This Moment on Fridays too so shodul be plenty of opportunity to get those pix out there.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Yes you are on the linky and no it's not closed yet at this point in time; you're #148. As for credit and linking – I don't enforce it, but hope that people would have the decency to do so! :D

      I agree with your views on posting a photo, and yes, there are SO MANY other opportunities to post. People are only just starting to realise why I've laid down the law, and this week the posts have been GREAT. There's room for everyone, and yet not everyone has to cram onto the same meme, you know? ;D

      Thanks for taking part! x



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