Actually, no, I don’t expect you to like me.


My name is Jay, and this is my blog.

I tend to get much of my life’s shit out on this blog. Everything from random crap the boys come out with, to depression ramblings that will possibly kill me if I don’t let them out. Everything from major life changes to stuff that generally interests me.

Sometimes I write reviews. They’ll be the most honest reviews you’ll ever read – I don’t do bull shit for the sake of looking good.

And also, you should know and understand something.

I am a photographer.

It is my industry, it is my interest, it is my passion.

And so as it is a part of my life, you can expect it to feature on this blog.

I don’t expect you to like it. Because I do it for me. I do it to further my own skills. I do it to learn more; to fuel my fire and hopefully develop connections with like-minded people.

I have said it before I will say it again. If you don’t like my blog? If you don’t like Silent Sunday? If you don’t like my photography? If you don’t like my writing?

Move on. There is nothing to see here. There is nothing for you. I don’t care that you don’t like what I do. If I was doing this solely to please you? To make you happy? To meet your blogging requirements? Then I would probably be weeping into my pillow every night, worrying about whether I was writing properly (I do not declare myself a writer). Or stressing about whether a photo I took last week was good enough to go on my own blog. My own blog.

Do you know why I linky Silent Sunday? Because the readers asked me to. It wasn’t my idea to open it up. People requested to join in. So I let them. And I’ve never forced it upon any of them. All those people who join in? They do it of their own accord. I don’t understand every post that comes in. But then I don’t expect to. It’s a snapshot of their week. Not mine. Not yours. I don’t think they’re doing it to please you. I hope they’re doing it for the same reason that I do. Because they just want to. That’s all.

I never declared myself a “Mummy Blogger”. The general public slapped that label on me. I’ve been blogging long before I even knew what a “Mummy Blogger” was, forget about even knowing they existed. Hell, when I started this blog, I didn’t even realise it was a blog. I never proclaim myself to be better than anyone. I have never given myself titles along the lines of “Holier Than Thou”. I am not “in this for the competition and recognition”.

I know there are plenty of peeps who don’t like my blog – it’s really really ok. I can accept that. Don’t feel bad! Don’t apologise to me. I’d really rather you didn’t, it makes me feel rather awkward. Go ahead and bitch about it, if it makes you feel better. But I confess I will honestly feel sad for you. Why? Well, because life must be really empty if you can find time to sit around and read blogs you don’t even like, and then bitch about them.

In fact, I have to say, that’s rather confusing.

Also, I don’t want to hear “Omg did you hear what so and so said about your blog??????!!?!?!?!” because I really don’t care. I really just don’t care. I have WAY more interesting things to do than listen to someone bitch about any crap I put out there. There’s nothing I can do about it, is there? I’m not about to change me to suit them. People are entitled to opinions. And as already mentioned, I point blank refuse to go around trying to please everyone. I don’t want that kind of depressive destructive crap looming over me. I don’t need it. I don’t want it. Please take the negativity elsewhere, because with depression looming over my head like a ginormous sinister turd from the deepest bowels of Jedward, I can promise you this – I have enough negativity to last me a lifetime. So please don’t add to it.

By all means, bitch/gossip/whine/moan if you like, but I’m busy trying to live a life. My life.

So anyway. I don’t expect you to like me. And I probably won’t (read: not in hell’s chance) bust my ass trying to please you with my actions. I’m happy with that. Because if you can’t take me as I am, then it kind of confirms that I don’t want to be around you anyway.

So, go. Unfollow/block/unfriend me on twitter/facebook. Remove yourself from my “Google Friend Connect” list thingy. Stop reading stuff I’m saying. Stop waiting for me to “conform”. You can step away now, if you like. Now is your chance. Do it! It’s ok! I can assure you I won’t be offended, because I suspect I’ll move on long before you will. I have filters and things set up on my various social media outlets; they work a treat. I already stopped seeing the crap I don’t want to see. I’ve already moved on.

Oh and lastly, I ask you to remember that this is my personal space. And no, you are not invited to take a ginormous shit all over it.


  1. Emma says:

    Thanks for posting…. I totally agree, blogging is a such a personal thing and I don't think it's fair when people try and dictate what blogs should and shouldn't contain, if you don't enjoy a blog, don't read it like you say! After all, if all blogs were the same format, how boring would that be?
    Ps. Thanks for hosting Silent Sunday, I enjoy it when I join in!

  2. Liveotherwise says:

    I love you #thatisall

  3. Inge says:

    And this, my dear Jay, is exactly why I love to read your blog.

  4. For a nail polish review…it was certainly out there! But, no, I think the colour has grown on me. Is it the new style to just wear polish on the one finger? A trendsetter as well. You spoil us!

    Concur with the ‘confusing' thought also. It’s like eating shit daily for breakfast just to blog about how you hate eating shit. Some enlightened folks would say ‘DON’T EAT SHIT THEN’, but what would that leave to blog about? Maybe your shit that, possibly, no-one wants to read? Dunno, but why take the chance, eh?….so let’s go back to reading shit we don’t like.

    I can see how the vicious cycle could happen, but them I’m enlightened, innit?

    Your fellow ‘Me, Myself, I’ comrade salutes you.

  5. Pippad says:

    Why not say how you really feel…

    PS When your done with HerMelness can I have her? I would like to keep her under my bed to talk to me.

  6. Nickie says:

    gawd!! if you can't let of steam or write/post what you want on your own blog, where the frig can you write it?

  7. Great post – agree fully. I never understand those people who read something from start to the end just so that they can comment that they don't like it (once saw someone complaining about a fashion item on, saying that it was not exactly hard-hitting news – errmm, no it's in the Fashion section and no one forced you to read it…).
    Oh, and the "sinister turd from the deepest bowels of Jedward" description? Love it, and can now understand it having seen Eurovision. Thank god Jedward has not made it to the shores of Sweden – yet…

  8. Amen Sista! As you were ….

  9. says:

    Hahahaha. Love you. My Dad always told me disparaging people are "drinking the poison and expecting the other person to die".
    Love love LOVE you xxx

  10. theramblingpages says:

    Well said! And for the record I really enjoy other people's silent sunday posts, and infact took a photo yesterday with the intent of posting at the end of this week and becoming a slient sunday virgin.

  11. spudballoo says:

    Blog like there's no one reading…I think there's a lot of sense in that approach. And, read what you like reading…don't read what you don't like reading. Also very sensible.

    I just don't understand all the jiggery pokery back stabbing stuff that goes on about Linkies and not liking this, not liking reviews, paid for links blah blah. Who made these people the BLogging Police? It's not difficult folks…if you don't like it, don't read it. But shut up moaning about it because it makes you look mean spirited and, well, jealous.

    This parenting lark is tough enough without being attacked by other WomenFolk. And, yes, I'm pretty sure it's women who have been Up To No Good here because men would be all, 'huh? WTF?'.

    Personally I don't like product reviews. sometimes there's something interesting and I'll read that, otherwise I just scroll on through until i find something I want to read. It's not exactly rocket science.


  12. Kathryn says:

    I love you a lot. If you need me to mention the c-word on your behalf (am at work, hence the restraint), you know where to come, m'kay?

  13. Wow, think you said all that is to be said.. Life is to short to bitch about other people or their blogs, just get a life and move on….

  14. Laura says:

    Unfollow/block/unfriend. Done. Jut because you consistently say the word cock in my timeline which offends me hugely. Then you keep sending me Angry Bird links that suck the life out of my world.

    Anyway, asif, innit. Love you mofo. *said in the voice of Trevor MacDonald*

    • mocha beanie mummy says:

      Word up to your daddy yo, innit sista. (in the voice of Joanna Lumley)

  15. Expat Mum says:

    Why would anyone read blogs they don't like? It's more a reflection on those people than the blogs they're criticising. Way too much time on their hands.

  16. Lucy says:

    I only started a blog in February this year for something to do other than tidy up/cook/clean. I have been really shocked to discover just how much like school and work the social side of it is. 95% of the time, everyone is cool. 5% of the people (or less, to be fair) are just trying to boost their status buy pissing all over everyone else's chips. I was naive in thinking you could be free from all that shit in this sphere of life. We all have opinions, but there is nothing more annoying than a stranger thinking thy have free reign to tear an aspect of your 'life' apart. I wonder if these people are the types who stand in a clique at the school gates looking down on the other parents. Cowards, in other words. Sorry for long comment!

  17. PhotoPuddle says:

    Well I like your blog but I'm not going to tell you that ;-)
    I don't get people who complain about blogs. If you don't like it don't read it, there are lots of others out there that might be more to your taste. The same goes for people who moan about telly – if you don't like it don't watch it. Gah, it's that simple!!

  18. says:

    Well said Jay. People moan about my blog and I wonder why the hell they read it if they don't like it, life's too short!

    By the way, I'm really looking forward to meeting you in a couple of weeks – perhaps we could discuss starting a 'Brummy Blogger' trend rather than this 'Mummy Blogger' nonsense? ;o)

  19. Nicki Cawood says:

    After reading that I wanted to say "So there!" at the end, but saw your salute and that said it all! :p
    I read your blog because I absolutely love your style, and the fact you dance to no-one's tune but your own. For fecks sake never change!

  20. says:

    It sounds like many of us feel the same about blogging,

    Lets say screw what people think and post like nobody's watching.

  21. Hi. :) I like you. Just for the record.

  22. says:

    Well said indeed.

    It's like sitting through a TV show that you know is going to offend you just to complain about how offended you were. Life's too short. If you find something you enjoy, embrace it. Otherwise, move on.

  23. Moon says:

    You make me smile, and you put it perfectly… blogging, for me, should be about the blogger, and I cannot understand folk that read, and keep reading just to complain, like the fool that watches all of a film, just so they can complain ……. life is too short…… but, people like to moan, esp at the ones who are good at what they do…… as for liking, hate myself for admiting it… I kinda do x

  24. We chat on Twitter sometimes, we comment on each other's blogs occasionally. I have never met you and am not likely to ever meet you. But you bare your soul here and make me feel I'm not the only one who feels like shit sometimes. For that i thank you.
    All those moaners can take a running jump.
    I love you just the way you are :) x

  25. geekymummy says:

    It isn't easy being fabulous. People get jealous.
    And seriously who has time to read clogs that the don't like?! I don't have time to read blogs that I do like.

    I love silent sunday, by the way, its my favourite linky. It reminds me to look at the world and capture a bit of it. What could be better?

    Right, now I'm going to try on my wedding dress. Better put this wine down.

  26. PR Mummy says:

    I happen to think your blog rocks and silent sunday is fantastic… I only wish my photography was up to the job. Why are other parents so harsh on each other? Life is full of enough crap. Thankfully not at the school gate stage yet, but dreading it. These negative noo noos must be jealous and / or sat around with nothing to do. Don't let the buggers get you down. Xx

  27. MDTaz says:

    Something juicy must have prompted this, and it sounds like somebody ought to buy you a drink. I'm volunteering. How about on June 25th? May I?

  28. julesey10 says:

    Well said. :O)

  29. Liz says:

    Ah well you know my thoughts on the blogging police.


  30. Wendy says:

    Can I tell you somethng funny? I popped by your blog today for the first time in ages & the reason I was spurred to visit was because I got a Twunfollow notification (these are not good for one's self esteem btw, I'm so turning that thing off) that you had stopped following ME. And I thought, cosmicgirlie. I remember her, haven't read that blog for ages… so over I came & found this post, which kind of made me chuckle!! This post is spot on. I had a comment a while ago from someone who didn't like that all I wrote about was health & fitness. Uh huh. You still make me laugh. Even if you have offended me dreadfully… ;)

  31. Joanka24 says:

    I love your blog and you are totally right x


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