Wooden Trains Will Save My Life. And no, you cynics, this isn’t a review.

I can’t even remember how it started, but one year, The Boys got a phenomenal amount of wooden train track to play with. You know the stuff, looks like Brio, smells like Brio, fits together like Brio…but sure as hell isn’t Brio because we’re not bloody rich.

As it turns out, I seem to have built up a new passion. At some point, I turned into a Train Geek.

(Clicken to embiggen)

It started off well, nice and simple, just a few interlocking simple loops. Bridges and tunnels, was all a bit cool.

At some point, I got carried away making tunnels across the coffee tables. But it was ok, you know, still nothing taking the piss or anything. Plus I only had limited track to work with.

..for The Boys. Obviously.

And then I somehow ended up creating questionable shapes. Like this admirable penis.

Was purely accidental. I would be less proud of it, if it had been intentional.

And then, and then, Nanan went and bought the boys some more track. With turn around thingies and level crossings.

This, um, “habit” has become a Track of The Day event in this house now. We get downstairs, and while they eat their breakfast, I casually ask Noah if he would like a train track made up for him. You know, total goodwill gesture.


It’s entirely possible Nanan is coming round with more train track tomorrow. And I may have had a look online for more train track.

For The Smalls.


FYI, Ebay, Amazon, Tesco Direct and Ikea sell this stuff at stupidly cheap prices. Turns out we can afford to keep the kids and fund my habit keep them happy.

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