And then I got my marbles back.

Actually, strictly speaking, that’s not entirely  true. Just because The Smalls are back at school and I finally have 30 seconds to do stuff, doesn’t mean everything is fine again.

Of course not.

Whilst I do know I still have some things I really need to sort out, it’s almost surreal to be in a place where I can actually think about the things I need to try and fix.

The Smalls are back at school. I have time to get on with work. I’m starting to be a human being again.

Unfortunately, that bastard Elephant is still in the corner. Now just to work out what the hell to do with it.

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  1. SusanKMann says:

    Starting to feel human again is a start. I know it's been a tough time but hang in there. x

  2. Enjoy the time on your hands – and thank God for school/nursery.

  3. Laura Chora says:

    Maybe you should give that elephant a name and then we can tell it to feck off.

    "Geoffrey, your time is up, now feck off"

  4. getthegirladrink says:

    You can do it mate. Offer the elephant some peanuts and take one step at a time x

  5. Now that you're back to reality, it's back to the most lazy thing to do in the morning, the waking up and fix the kids stuff. Oh my, I now imagine how my sister feels.

  6. Kat says:

    I am a big fan of Laura's solution ;) Isn't it nice to have a moment to think though? Or take a GD nap?


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