And then I had never been so sure IN MY LIFE.

You know when you’ve been doing something for sooooo long, you can’t possibly ever imagine doing something else?

And then suddenly, something else does come along and BLAM – you decide to leap?

And then you’re doing the something else, you start wondering to yourself, “why the fuck did I not do this sooner”?

And then you think “Oh, it’s because of this bastard insecurity and self doubt happily plaguing me”?

And then you keep plodding on anyway hoping that you can keep it up?

And then you suddenly realise that the world around you and the life you live is slowly falling into place?

And then you realise that actually you’re not entirely shit at everything?

And then you question yourself for the right reasons, rather than the wrong ones?

And then you start ignoring more of the fucktards who constantly try to shit on you?

And then you you start wondering to yourself, “why the fuck did I not do this sooner”?

Yeah. That.

Jay Mountford Photography

Copyright secured by Digiprove


  1. Lindsey says:

    About bloody time! Jay, you are quite possibly the single most artistically talented person I know! Your photos are gorgeous (love your pro site btw), your blog is entertaining and stunning for its honesty. The people who put you down are dogs barking at the moon…. (You being the moon in this analogy) they might bark and howl but they can't EVER reach you. Xxx

  2. claire says:

    I love this post ,yes I know how you have felt ,I made a mistake of telling my friends about my blog and having people laugh at me and make me feel daft for trying something new and calling me behind my back and i nearly deleted it ,but no I wont let them get me down,I am enjoying what i'm doing and getting a bit better (lol),

    All the best you are fantastic at your photography and I love looking at your work :)

  3. getthegirladrink says:

    *thumbs up and big grin*

  4. Bod for tea says:

    Woo hoo! Jumping in with both feet takes courage, persistence and the ability to flick the 'v' at whoever says you can't. Good for you!

  5. SusanKMann says:

    I don't think I have ever felt like that. But good for you. Sounds very positive x

  6. You are very lucky. Not everyone finds their ‘thing’. I also understand perfectly now that when you do find that ‘thing’ you are supposed to be doing, the Universe aligns to help you on your way. Keep going.

  7. Livi says:

    Damn freaking right, lady! You're amazing and you're a truly incredible photographer. So glad it's working out for you!


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