He used to give me roses…

…and it’s just as well he still does, eh?

Flowers Sept 11-6 © Jay Mountford Photography

You know, it’s amazing what you can do with some flowers, a camera and an empty bath. (Don’t forget to clickem to biggem.)

Flowers Sept 11-4 © Jay Mountford Photography

I’m not even that big on flowers, but I’ve kept these orchids going for FOUR YEARS. Hah.

Flowers Sept 11-3 © Jay Mountford Photography

Straight from camera. Fuck yeah.

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  1. fenngirl says:

    Beautiful. And I am sulking cos my orchids always die…

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Ahww! I need to give you orchid lessons. Or you should get plastic ones.

  2. I love orchids. I'm not brilliant with plants, but my orchids always look gorgeous no matter how badly I've grown them.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Orchids are my fave and yet I seem to treat mine like shit. They probably get watered once a month…

  3. LauraCYMFT says:

    I'm terrible with plants – I managed to kill a cactus once that my husband (then boyfriend) had given to me as a pressie. Those are gorgeous photos and orchids are one of my favourite flowers.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Thank you! One of my faves too. :)

  4. Laura Chora says:

    I managed to keep an orchid alove for a year before it died. RIP Orchid.

    Anyways … lovely photos Jay.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      A year is not bad going Ms Chora! Maybe, like fenngirl up there, you should get plastic ones. With moustaches. Heh.

  5. tiddlyompompom says:

    totally utterly beautiful


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