A series of Posts About Jamaica Part II: The Leap of Insanity

So, you know when you go somewhere and you’re all “yeah, totally gonna relax this holiday, I’m in no mood for high jinx” and you make a mental vow to stick to it?

Yeah that went pissing out the window when on Friday, we went to pick up Granddad and drove for an hour from Montego Bay to Negril. My cousin and bro in law had already decided they were going to do this “jump off a cliff” when they got there; I had no idea what the hell they were talking about.

On the way there, I pulled out my phone and YouTube’d this.

That warning sign at 1’50″? Well that says this:

Cliff jumping is dangerous and
serious injury can result such
as spinal and vertebrae fractures,
joint dislocation, muscle and
ligament damage and severe
Staff is posted strictly for your
safety to respond to local
authorities should a problem
Ricks assumes no responsibility
for your voluntary choice to
jump from the cliffs.
Jump at your own risk!!!

The “life guard” at the top was offering no advice apart from saying “READ THE SIGN. And just jump when you’re ready. And don’t forget to leave a tip*.”

My cousin jumped, and I decided that since he was able to surface without being smashed into the cliffs, being swept out to sea or generally dying (it was 30 minutes after a storm and the water was very choppy) then yeah, it couldn’t be all that bad. He survived. As did my bro in law when he jumped minutes later.

It’s quite possible that at the point when my mother realised I was actually going to do it, my girl balls were on the line regardless of whether I survived the jump or not. I’ve never seen someone repeatedly fold a piece of clothing (the dress I was wearing) with considerably obvious restraint. I figured she was going to kill me, but I decided if I was going to die, I wanted to go out in style, you know?

I remember peering over the edge and actually thinking to myself:

“holy fucking Jesus that is a fucking long way down and where the fuck are the rocks in the water Jesus H save me I can’t see the fucking rocks and oh my god how choppy is that water why is it so choppy bastard thunderstorms it looks so much lovelier in the video clip and I think I might vomit now I can’t back out now I’m here though but why the hell don’t I just fall backward and pretend I slipped and hurt my ankle so then I can’t jump and I really wish my knees would stop twitching it’s making it rather difficult to stand here mother of God I took the step backwards and now I’m walking forwards again OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.”

So I jumped. I reckon it’s about 60ft from platform to sea, and it was over very quickly, maybe 3 seconds? Despite this I had time to think the following.

“Huh. I appear to have jumped.”

“Blimey this is a long way down.”

“How should I have my legs?”

“Why haven’t I hit the water yet?”

“Ooooh look, it’s the sea.”

You can watch the video below to see if I survived or not.

*Methinks he may not really have been a lifeguard.

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  1. tiddlyompompom says:

    OM effing G! my legs went wobbly when you looked over the top! mad lady ;)

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      That is the WORST BIT – looking out over the edge. Mother of god I'm still not even sure why I did it.

  2. Ramblings says:

    Holy s**t! You rock!
    I wouldn't have been able to go anywhere near! I'm not scared of heights, but jumping off a cliff is right up there on my list of no not nevers!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Hahaha yeah I think my brain was trying to tell me the same thing!! Slipped my mind halfway down though…

  3. Kat says:

    You're my effing hero!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:


  4. So was it worth it?

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Meh. Whatevs. Y'know. Take it or leave it.


  5. Expat Mum says:

    God, I almost vomited with the view looking down. Can't believe you did it. Well, actually I can!
    I want to know if it hurt when you hit the water, and did your bikini stay in place? (Not that I'm contemplating anything mind you.)
    I was in Negril about twenty years ago and there weren't half as many tourists then.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Had I not been holding on to the rail, I suspect I would have fallen off the edge when I first looked down, my knees wouldn't stop shaking. Didn't hurt hitting the water; keeping toes pointed to cut into the water certainly helps!
      And yeah. Wear a one piece if you ever jump.

  6. says:

    That looks AWESOME.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      It was AWESOME.

  7. super amazing mum says:

    AWESOME…………………I would have done into calm water for sure, but that choppy shite…NO FREAKING WAY!

    You're brave girlie!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      See, I was ALL FOR calm water. That choppy shit just isn't funny. Still! The jump rocked! Heh.

  8. Hens Tooth says:

    I have been to Rick's – I have seen that drop – you are bonkers in the nogging (and very brave)

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Not gonna argue with that. ;)

  9. LauraCYMFT says:

    Brave lady! I've cliffed jumped before (it was a fake cliff at the swimming pool whilst on holiday LOL and wasn't nearly as high as 60ft…try 10?!) but I just ran and jumped. If I had looked over the edge I wouldn't have been able to do it! Looks like it was a lot of fun!!

  10. I confess the bikini question was puzzling me too. Can't decide whether you're brave or barking. I wouldn't do it.


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