My children are using The Cute to destroy me. No, really.

Isaac: Mommy, look! I made cakes!

Me: Wow Isaac, aren’t they pretty! How many did you make?

I: I made one…two! I made two cakes mommy!

MBM: Clever boy! Will you share them with Noah?

I: Yes mommy, yes that’s nice.

I seriously can’t make this shit up. However, I suspected he may change his mind when it came to having the fairy cakes for their pudding, later that evening. At home, I left them playing on the floor in the lounge, to start their tea, and came back into the room to this: 

After they wolfed down their tea (toast in various forms: crunchy garlic bread, honey on toast, fruit bread toast, jam on toast), I had this…

Noah: Mommy I have eaten my dinner, can I have some pudding please?

MBM: Yes Noah, hold on I’ll go and get you something.

*Spotted the cakes, brought them into the lounge where they were having their picnic on a mat on the floor.*

MBM: Here you are, Isaac (I gave him both cakes to see what he would do).

I: Mommy, I made two cakes!

MBM: Yes you did!  Well done Isaac.

N: Are you going to share those, Isaac?

I: Yes of course, Noah! Here you are.

N: Thank you Isaac! That’s very kind.

I: You’re welcome, Noah.

Seriously. SERIOUSLY. I am not making this shit up. They are out to kill me with the cute.

Either that, or I’m supposed to make the most of this, ready for when they’re pure evil to each other when they’re older.

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  1. Corinne says:

    That did make me go aww and curl up with sweetness, it is so adorable when they're like that.

  2. Camera Mum says:

    Hilarious post. Your children are adorable. They sound like perfectly behaved children. Enjoy 'The Cute' while it lasts.

  3. Liska says:

    they're adorable beyond words

  4. bloody hell, that is just too cute! Shame adults can't be cute too!


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