Easter Hols – Send Rum.

The Easter Hols are like, 3 years long here, so I’m making attempts to be a “proper mom” during this time. You know, one of those ones who actually pays attention to the kids, feeds them, bathes them, and sometimes even plays with them. And then of course, because I’m a working mom, I won’t let anything conflict, and I’ll stay on the radar, and people will be all “Omg you’re SUCH an amazing mom”, and I won’t need to gain recognition elsewhere because my children who love me so much will turn to me and say “mom you are the BEST” and then I’ll turn around and magically whip up a 3 course, cooked-from-scratch meal, completely healthy and nutritious.

OR, I’m going to flail my way through, drinking heavily and documenting most of it on my camera.

Sunday looked a bit like this. (They’re all hideously dark because the sun is a bitch and I couldn’t be bothered to edit them, so these are straight out the camera. Soz.)


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  1. Oooooh, your boys faces! Kiss, kiss, mwah, mwah all over them in a mad auntie stylee. Good luck, operation holiday survival is underway here to. I'm going to buy a whistle to get their attention without shouting every request 20 times.

  2. Yes, channelling Miss Trunchbull is the future way forward in parenting (I suspect rum works just as well though).

  3. MDTaz says:

    They are amazingly adorable. And might I mention that when they're grown up they probably won't remember if the meals you served them were three-course and from scratch. But they'll have all these poignant photographs that capture the spirit of the fun you all had and that demonstrate, without a doubt, your absolute affection for them.

  4. SusanKMann says:

    Looks like they are having fun. Your boys are so adorable. Enjoy the holidays and good luck x

  5. Tamsin Michelle says:

    Great bubble photos!!

  6. looks like they've still got a touch of 'the cute' about them….. ;-)


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