My style

GEEEEEEEZE there’s been so much happening lately. Work has kept me ticking over in just the perfect way. No, really; I have LOVED having things to do; it’s what I’ve needed for what feels like an eternity.

As I’m growing and developing my photography, I find myself trying to find a style. Not so much a “niche”, per se, but some form of processing or editing which suits me. I know how I like to shoot – pretty much “as it happens”, and if there’s opportunity and willingness, then some crazy mad shots which a) don’t interfere with the proceedings and b) continue to show a good reflection of who I’m shooting.

(It’s funny; as I’m writing this, I’m wondering if it should actually be on my JMP blog. S’ok though, in my true style I’m suspect I’ll drop an f-bomb or something, just to please the people who get fucked off by my swearing.)

(Oh look, there it was.)

I’ve got a ton of second shooting coming up over the next few months – I am SO EXCITED. This weekend alone I have 4 weddings where I’m working with more experienced photographers, and I’m hoping to learn a shit-load of stuff from them. Technical things, organisational things, managerial things…all kinds of stuff.

And yet, I find myself becoming wary of how I can make my style fit in with their style. All the while, asking, “What is my style, anyway?”

Honestly? I couldn’t tell you. Like I said, I prefer to shoot the day as it happens. I’d love to throw some super awesome posed shots in there, but I understand many of my clients don’t want this, and would prefer to just carry on with the day for whatever reason (usually, for being uncomfortable in front of the camera).

Maybe as I continue, as I grow braver learning new things, as I just continue to throw myself into situations where I have to photograph, have to process, have to edit, maybe, just maybe I’ll figure out where I’m going.

Figure out my style.

Yeah…that’d be nice…

Silent Sunday


Silent Sunday


I’ve noticed a blindingly obvious pattern in my confidence, where my work is related, lately. I go do a shoot, I happen to feel fucking awesome about it, I go home, download, back up, back up again, back up again, then have a quick look through. If it’s not 3am, I might even do some quick edits. And if there’s anyone around, I’ll post a few here and there.

And then, I’ll hate everything I just did. I’ll the images, I’ll loathe my processing, and I’ll spend an awful lot of time wondering why the fuck I am trying to survive in this industry. Why I’m pretending to be a photographer. And I know I’m not the only person to go through those processes.

One thing I have noticed lately, is an awful lot of people telling me what I shouldn’t be doing while I’m going through my working process. Don’t pull that face looking at your images. You shouldn’t post your images anywhere for at least a week. Turn the computer off, leave them alone. Don’t look at them yet.

However, I often think it’s important that people remember these are my processes which make up a part if who I am. I remember constantly being told off for pulling different expressions when I was performing on my cello. So one time, I purposely kept the most dead pan face face you had ever seen, for an entire concert. Ironically, members of the audience AND the orchestra came up to me and asked what was wrong with me, did I not enjoy playing, and that my performance was a bit soulless.


Thing is, being passionate, being expressive, being emotional is all a part of who I am. I’m not perfect. Jesus I’m so far from perfect, I may deserve a whole other (not so forgiving) category of my own. But it’s how I deal with stuff. It’s how I deal with life. It’s how I get through. I don’t bottle things up; I can’t. I can’t live my life, literally, trapped in a bottle.

I guess if I were to contain the negatives, then supposedly that would force out more positives, right?


Because there is the need for balance. No person in the world survives solely on being positive. There is always some negative, even just the tiniest bit. It might be minuscule, microcosmic, but it’s there.

And the same is said vice versa.

I like my balance. And as much as I will cry and whinge and fret and stress about shitty stuff, I will, just as much, sing and shout and laugh and squeal about awesome stuff. We are a world who focuses on negatives, I know not why. But I like to think I come in reasonably equal measure. Sure, when I’m happy I’m over the fucking moon, and when I’m down, it’s often rock bottom. Middle ground is hard for some people. For others it’s a natural way of life. I’m not perfect. And I won’t spend my life trying to be perfect for everyone else. Because that stops me from being me.

But  most importantly? I’m willing to bet I don’t function the same way as the majority of others. And that’s a bloody good thing. Because the world would be a desperately shit place if all our emotions were tied to the exact same levels, eh?

Silent Sunday


Silent Sunday

Boggle Eyed

I’ve been wanting to take The Smalls to the cinema for AAAAAAGES. Annoyingly, when we took them to Ask on Sunday for Isaac’s birthday lunch, the only thing showing for kiddos was Beauty and The Beast in 3D. Considering they’ve never even been to the cinema, and Noah absolutely hates loud noise, we thought all of that combined with 3D might just push them over the edge.

Until we walked past the 3D televisions in John Lewis.

I’d never seen them before, and didn’t even realise they had them on display, so initially my eyes were a bit “what in the actual fuck is going on with that tv.” And looking at Noah and Isaac’s faces, I suspect they were thinking the same thing.

So what do you do?

Well you put the glasses on them so they can experience it properly, of course.

First experience of 3D. On tv. In John Lewis

I can’t decide which was best. Isaac wearing the pink glasses, the fact that he plonked himself on the floor, the fact that Noah plonked himself right next to Isaac, or the numerous shoppers passing by, stopping to oooh and ahh at them in glasses 10 sizes too big. Awesome.

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