Silent Sunday

What is Silent Sunday?

Silent Sunday


I haven’t understood much of this week at all.

Isaac started nursery, Noah is still at home, I’m running on crappy minimal sleep, I fell out spectacularly with one of my best friends, I’m seriously doubting my abilities as a professional photographer (again), and sweet baby Jesus, I would really like a PROPER holiday or maybe just some peace or something soon.

So after yet another tearful (Isaac’s tears, definitely NOT mine) nursery start, and a shitty rainy day, The Smalls and I walked a bit. With camera.

Clickem to biggem.

Protected: Wait.

Silent Sunday

What is Silent Sunday?

Silent Sunday

Camera play time. (For me.)

New camera. The Mr had to sell a kidney to help me afford it. It’s kinda nice, if I’m honest.

The camera, not the kidney. I never saw the kidney.

I’ve already done one wedding with it, and I’m hoping I did a Good Job. It’s bloody complicated, and I have a fuck ton of settings to learn about, but I LOVE that.

So I’ve been enjoying having a bit of play time with it! Nothing technical, nothing fancy. Just my fave 50mm f/1.4 lens and the camera. *Happy face*


Obviously. Pics of The Smalls. Obviously.

Yes, Uggs and tartan pyjama bottoms. I am truly at the height of fashion.


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