Silent Sunday

What is Silent Sunday?

Silent Sunday

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  1. Jayne says:

    Gorgeous! I love the depth of the photo and the way the foreground is out of focus. I wish you'd do some sort of photography course, you'd be an amazing teacher and I'd love to learn from you :-)

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Ahw thank you, that's a lovely thing to say! I'd love to do a course or workshop or something, but I don't think many people would turn up! Maybe one day when I'm a superstar photographer or something… :D x

  2. Notmyyearoff says:

    Nice photo… And they look very scrummy!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Thank you! I haven't tried one yet (I didn't make them) but they certainly smelled good while I was photographing them!


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