Dear 900+ people I followed on Twitter on Wednesday
Yes, I actually unfollowed all of you. Every one of you. Every. Single. One.
Having being yelled at for unfollowing people individually, both intentional (because I was under the impression I had a right to do so?) and unintentional (because twitter is a cock, and yell at me all you like, I know who I damn well unfollow intentionally) I got sick of your shit and decided to unfollow everyone in one go. See? Now you are all special. This is what you wanted, right?
It only took me about 22 seconds, and you know what? It was very fucking satisfying.
Thinking Clearer, Me x
Dear 147 People (who at the time of writing I have since followed)
Many of you won’t even have noticed what’s happening, and that’s fine. To those who have thanked me for following them (back), you are more than welcome. I confess I haven’t “chosen you” for any reason, I’m literally working my way through the list of people I used to follow in a very random order. It’s much more fun that way.
Watching Your Tweets,
Dear Infinite Number of People I haven’t followed (back yet)
Please. Stop. Guilt. Tripping. Me. It. Is. Not. Fun. In. Any. Way. Shape. Or. Form.
Whilst you might think you’re the only person doing it, you might just want to remember, that approx. 3,550 people follow me (and I still have no frigging idea why). If one person does it, yeah it’s kind of of funny. If all 3,550 people do it, well it just means you’ve joined a throng of sheep* who aren’t so funny after all.
If you ever want me to follow you? Whinging at me is a sure fire way to make sure I NEVER follow you.
Weary and wary, Me.
Dear Twitterati
I’m not sure if you’re aware of it, but even though I’m not following you, it is still possible for us to converse. Added to this, there are other means of technology for us to converse, such as texts, phone calls, emails and of course the favourite social media methods being and .
There are bigger things in life than stressing over who the fuck follows who on twitter. If this is what your twitter experience has come down to, and you are that fickle, I honestly pity you. And you should also know, it turns out we really aren’t on the same wave length.
Which is kind of a shame.
Dear Social Media Users
For the love of lucifer, get over it already. And while you’re at it, get outside once in a while, too.
Much love, She Who Has Tasted The Real World xxx
Dear Ms Kat
What delightful offerings do you have today? Shall we mosey on over and have a look? Maybe I’ll see you on twitter, eh?
* I know it’s “flock of sheep”, but “throng of sheep” was what popped into mind, and I’m not one for stifling creativity.