Dear So and So…What We Did This Week Edition

Dear FRIGGING AWESOME LADY KAT, creator of Dear So and So!

It was your birthday yesterday, innit? I hope you had the BEST day EVAR!! Of course, I know it was pretty awesome because not only did you secure your Cybermummy ’11 ticket but you also got an iPad. I am not insanely jealous.* I’m also hoping you got cheesecake. If I ever get paid this year, you’ll also get £10. Life is sweet, eh? ;o)

Fucking HUGE love lady, jay xxx


Dear Music Career

Goodbye. It’s been fun. But now I’m busy with my photography career. BOO-YAH!

No regrets, Janet Lindsay


Dear Photography Career

Ok, 2 days in officially as a photographer with no relation to music at all, and you land me 4 new bookings on my plate? TWO DAYS? I bloody love you. I really, really do.

Thanks for being my spring board.

Full of passion, Jay Mountford


Dear Harry Head of Production, James Mr MD Big Boss Person and Other People from Made In Me

I love you. A lot. And I think The Smalls love you too. A whole lot. You may have just about helped me avoid various crime scenes this half term. Just saying.

Yours, an avid fan, mom of 2 insanely lively Small People xx


Dear Half Term

If you and I are to meet again, you need to do better. And that includes reminding me to keep an eye on Isaac when he has pens and crayons. And also to pay attention to when Noah has the Play-Doh and announces he’s making coffee granules (seriously, you do NOT want to ignore things like that). I’m watching you, half term. I’m watching you. Alllwaaaays waaaatchiiiing.

Yours with hair mostly still in tact, mom of 2 insanely sly Small People


Dear People of Teh Interwebs

It’s your turn now, innit? Go on, got get your link-on. And please make sure you wish Miss Kat a belated happy birthday, yes?


*Of COURSE I’m bloody jealous. Uh, hello? It’s an iPAD. Goddammit.


  1. Kat says:

    Awww fanks!!! I had a brilliant day and am now suffering the post birthday hangover (from love and booze). Love you sweetheart!

  2. notSupermum says:

    You are an amazing photographer THAT'S why you're getting bookings so quickly! Next celebration I have and I'm on the phone to you booking your services lady x

  3. Livi says:

    Genius! And I can't say I'm surprised your photog career has taken off so speedily! You rock!

  4. tiddlyompompom says:

    I'm with notSupermum. You is aMAYzing at that whole photography thing. Go get 'em tiger :)

  5. Susan mann says:

    I love these. I really should do this. Embrace the future x


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