Dear So and So…Frustrated Edition

Dear Facial Orifice Fluid and Phlegmy Hacking Cough

Seriously? 2 weeks now? Piss ye the fuck off.

Yours, PhlegmWad


Dear Patience

Where have you gone?!? I miss you! I mean, I know we never got on so well, but that doesn’t mean I never loved you. I’d love to have you back again in my life one day. Don’t be a stranger, ok? Come back. And hurry up about it.

Yours, Impatiently


Dear Isaac

I love you. You’re my lovely little boy! You’re so cute! Look at you with your big puppy eyes and stuff. Ahwww!! You know what isn’t cute? SCREAMING AND DEMANDING TO GO WATCH TV/PLAY WITH TOYS WHEN YOU NEED TO EAT YOUR FOOD. Mainly because as the day goes on, you become the grouchiest person EVER. You are a typical bloke; you think with your stomach. I know you haven’t figured that out yet. Which is why I am trying to help you. Seriously, Mama knows best. For real.

Yours, Mom Who Knows More Than You


Dear Noah


Love you. You’re a cute kid of mine too. I promise that was not added as an afterthought. Maybe.

Yours, Mom Who Is Sick Of Your Whining


Dear School Run Traffic

Hey here’s a thought, if we all drive like normal people instead of mutards, we might all get to where we want to go without wanting to ram each other off the road! Wow! Can you imagine that?!? What a wonderful world that would be, eh??!?

Ahh to live the dream.

Yours, Woman Driver Who Does Not Drive Like A “Woman Driver” Otherwise She Would Die


Dear Reader

If you made it this far, awesome! Head on over to Kat’s place and go read her love letters. Or something. And don’t forget to link up, mmkay?


  1. Love Dear So and So. Agree with every single one – could have written them all myself (although with my childrens names … )

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Me too! Read it for ages but never got round to doing my own… *thumbs up to 3 Bedroom Bungalow* :D

  2. Kat says:

    You are ruddy brilliant my dear! Psst. My house elves only work if you give them biscuits.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      NOW you tell me. Well they're not having my fancy ones.

  3. Love these 'm'kay'. Mutards also goes down as the word of the day!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      It makes me feel much better shouting "MUTARD" instead of "FUCKTARD" when I've got the boys in the car… ;oD

  4. Kez Lewis says:

    Love it love it love it, well done m'dear x

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      *bows* Thanks! x

  5. mochabeaniemummy says:

    Mu-tard…not mustard. ;o)

    Although, I suspect mustard could drive better.

    • bwaaahaha… I read really good.

  6. Dear wifey…. get the freakin kettle on.



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