It gets easier. For HIM, not for me. DAMMIT.

Remember yesterday ? Yeah, well, THIS.

Crying. Out. Loud.

PS At the time of writing this, I just heard a thud and then Isaac whining. SO! I guess I’ll be getting that bed guard in the morning, too, eh?

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  1. He's free! He's free! Go Isaac!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Nooo! NOOOOOO! You must STOP with the encouragement. *doomed*

  2. Super Amazing Mum says:

    HA HA HA – Look at his little face when he does it and looks up at you!!!! Almost as if he is saying in his head "yeah mum, ner ner ner ner ner"


  3. geekmummy says:

    Uh oh….

    • mochabeaniemummy says:


  4. Fran says:

    Ha ha ha there's no stopping him now. He is just so flipping cuyuuuuute!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      He is VERY cute!! And that, unfortunately for me, is ENTIRELY in his favour. Dammit.

  5. Tara says:

    In years to come when he invents something or does something innovative you'll be able to trace it right back to this moment!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Yeah, it'll come SCREAMING back to me like a disturbingly large freight train…

  6. says:

    Oh the look on your face! How do they learn these things?? They're tricky. Veeerrrrryy tricky!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Like you wouldn't BELIEVE. *face – palm*

  7. Kat says:

    You look so thrilled. I'm not laughing. Really.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Yeh thanks whatevs.

  8. Why don't you just turn the cot round so he can't reach the changer, or move the changer? Having said that, DD climbed out of her cot at 17 months (without a climbing platform) and had to be moved to a bed. Good luck!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Like we didn't think of that already? Like that will STOP HIM??? You need to read the posts I linked to yesterday!

      • Guilty! I didn't do enough research before commenting :)

  9. says:

    Heheheh funny how they figure these things out. Not for you guys obviously but for him…lol

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Hah yeah uh, thanks. *snort*

  10. gingerchick633 says:

    It's your face at the end, a resigned 'so the sides coming off' lol
    You think aww independence for the kid, but then think oh no, up and down when it should bedtime!
    Good luck! Been there, etc, etc.
    It does get better ;-)

  11. Sian says:

    You're screwed!

  12. Ha ha! That is brilliant – my brute of a boy Zachary (who should have been Isaac but my friend stole the name!) pulled the bar out the cot and climb through the gap! It never stops amazing me how they work stuff out.

    p.s Also you have a Noah of the the same age (I think) so great taste me says!

  13. Merry says:

    Hahaha! Well, at least he skipped the stage my eldest went through before starting that. Which was poo art. Yum.

  14. marisworld says:

    I LOVE that I saw the 'really pleased with myself' glint in his eye at his achievement. Go Isaac!

  15. otilia says:

    oh wow! he is so good at this! how old is he at the moment!???

  16. SusanKMann says:

    What a little monkey x


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