Silent Sunday. It’s BACK. And it’s bigger, bolder AND SMELLING LESS LIKE AFTERSHAVE.

When I ditched the Silent Sunday linky back sometime in 2011 (I can’t remember when), the sigh of relief was so big, caused a hurricane in the middle of the pacific ocean. No one was affected though, because I don’t like world disasters and being responsible for mass death and destruction; it just makes me uncomfortable. The very same day that it was announced, approximately a zillion people got in touch asking if they could “take it” so I wouldn’t have to deal with it.

Ahhhh there’s the problem.

Much as I didn’t like the linky and the epic shit that came with it, I was genuinely sad to cut people off. I don’t think I fit in very well with the “mummy blogging” “community”, and rarely seem to fit in anywhere else on line. So to sever the last chunk of communication with the blogging world, being my love of photography, was a wee bit sad. However, Silent Sunday was always my blogging baby. And you know when you give birth, and have the newborn, and someone comes along with some hideously strong perfume or aftershave and leaves your bubba wreaking of that, rather than the natural essence of the thing you created in the first place? And all you can smell is the wreak, and not your lovely bubba? Well it’s the most bizarre analogy ever, but it’s the most accurate analogy ever.

Silent Sunday was not for others to take off me and leave their smell all over it. The end.

AND THEN, along came Love All Blogs a couple of weeks ago, asking if they would be allowed to host The Linky for me, so that my meme (meem? MeMe? Mehm?) could be resurrected properly, without being taken away from me. Am I possessive? Hell yeah. But if you know me, if you’ve spent the time reading my blog, if you have the vaguest idea of the sort of person I am, you’ll know why a SILENT Sunday is so important to me. Why I was (and still am) so particular about it.

There are shit loads of people out there whom I know for a fact snipe at Silent Sunday for whatever reason. “What’s the point? It’s just a photo.” Or, “Geeze this blog is dull, it’s nothing but photos and no words. What am I supposed to read?” Or maybe “Why should you have to follow rules to post a photo? Over on my blog I can do what the hell I like.” If those are your views, then that’s absolutely fine! I’m not going to slate you; the world would be dull if we all thought the same, no?

But I would like to say this. First – I’m a photographer. I can express myself very well with photos alone. I don’t expect you to do the same. Second – I’m crap with words. I’m not a writer. I’ve never declared myself a writer. If you want something to read, go find another blog. I promise I won’t be offended. Third – Of course you can blog what you like! But may I remind you that the rules do not stipulate that if you post a photo then YOU MUST link it up to something. Just saying. You don’t have to link it up if you don’t want to follow the rules. So please. Please show some (A LOT) of respect over on Lovel All Blogs.

Annie at Love All Blogs pitched to me absolutely perfectly, was bloody lovely about it, and was brilliant in “asking me first” if it was ok to go ahead. I have a lot of respect for her for that. And so, the Silent Sunday linky is back, and can be found on Love All Blogs Silent Sunday Linky, and the badge as ever can be found there or here. Ok, much like my tagline, I’m emitting all manner of crap now. So go. Do your Silent Sunday.

The Rules still apply. Why wouldn’t they? It wouldn’t be Silent Sunday without them.

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Comments (14)

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Aw! Lovely post. and completely agree. I've tried to keep up with my Silent Sunday posts, but without any others to gawp at I felt kinda lonely.

Thanks for resurrecting and it is and always will be your baby! By the way, I think you're pretty good with words. You say it how it is without pretending to be something you're not.

Madison xxx
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Thank you Madison, I really appreciate that! Good to have you on board. x
Wow, it's only just come back and there have been 87 people participating already - wow, that's one popular meme and a hell of a lot of loyalty that you created.
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Thanks Liska - I'm really flattered by the support!! :D
*shovels bacon wrapped cheesy wotsits into large sack*
Thank you !!!
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
No - thank YOU.

*Om Nom Nom* ;)
Superb! As you know I love love LOVE Silent Sunday - it's such an amazing concept (ok, I'll crawl outta your ass now Jay). I have continued with it despite the link going...although I didn't this week - having a shitty time. Thanks for resurrecting your baby x
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Oh no sweets, I'm sorry you're having a shitty time. You drop me a message if you want to, ok?

And you're welcome to crawl up my ass any time, but make sure you give me advance warning please. x
I loved joining in and still used to play after the linky was gone. It's so lovely to have it back but even lovelier that it's still 'yours' if that makes sense?
Yay! I have missed it. Am just catching up on your last 16 posts, and have to say that it's just criminal that the Uk hasn't adopted the chicken pox vaccine. You don't have to suffer like this. The vaccine works, I have no idea why the NHS hasn't adopted it. Still, glad you all survived. And PS, you actually are a writer, I'm afraid. Quite a good one.
Aftershave free? Good to see it's back anyway
I for one am glad to see it back, even though I've been doing it without using the hashtag, but it's nice for everyone to congregate in one place to share their photos.
Late to this. I am glad Silent Sunday is continuing, but (think) I get what you're saying - I'm a "words" person - but it is so refreshing to see just a picture. It has got me thinking about the whole idea of Sunday and space (pause for thought/feeling).

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