Despite being bad for your feet, Lego can kind of save lives. Kind of.

Ever since I was about 4 or 5, I remember my older brother (by about 7 years) having the most insane amount of Lego I could ever comprehend. It was a HUGE bucket; and I’m not talking nappy bucket size. He and his mate Malcolm (gotta love the 80s) used to play with it, and all the additional Lego Star Wars, and I wasn’t allowed to touch ANY of it.

So of course, I did, all the time, when they weren’t around. Heh.

Now of course, with Noah and Isaac around, I’m absolutely swamped with Lego, and I confess I have my own tub stashed away for er, yes well, let’s just say that my little Lego figures are more grown up than one might expect.

Obviously Noah and Isaac are very young, but they do love Lego. My GOD do they love Lego. They got tons of it over Christmas, and it’s everywhere. Which is lovely, since you know, I love Lego with a passion.

However. It does make me goddam stabby at times. As if it wasn’t enough that you have no choice but to scream to the very high heavens if you stand on one of those sons of bitches, as it leaves a 3 day imprint in your foot (does that happen on purpose? Are they designed with that in mind??) but when you’re trying to build the stuff as fast as possible with a 4 and nearly 3 year old breathing down your neck, it becomes a wee bit stressful, no?

And sweet baby Jesus, some of them are complicated.

Because you know, they can’t just play with the Lego Duplo, for kids their age, no. They got bored and wanted the big complicated stuff.

They both love that orange rescue truck thing, but the top isn’t stable. Every time they breathe on it, it pretty much collapses. So every 2-3 minutes, it’s “Mommy can you fix the roof please?” Rinse, repeat. And the ambulance is awesome (I confess I may have enjoyed building that a little too much) but the inside is small to get stuff in and out, and once dumped in the Lego tub, you can guarantee I’m not allowed to hoover the lounge until all the tiny “lights” have been found.

Much as the stuff can drive me a bit batshit, I LOVE how some of the sets help their creativity. They both obviously have a huge love of anything with a wheel on it, 4 wheels is a bonus, and 6 or more is pure heaven. So using some of those “mix ‘n’ match” sets were absolutely brilliant. Creating their own car shop with stacked tyres and mechanics and workmen and computers and rescue services and “gangstas” and patrol cars and more? Hell yeah.

What with all the chicken pox that went on over the last month (I do not ever want to do that again), I was convinced we were all pretty much going to die. I had visions of us not making it through, for all the stress, crying, scratching, whining, and demands for snacks. And that’s just me. I’m eternally thankful that there’s enough of the stuff in the Lego tub now (yes, including a random pair of socks. I’m yet to figure that one out).

And hey! I’ll even let them play with it.

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  1. Kat says:

    I love the little pair of socks in the tub with the Lego. It made me laugh.

  2. Corinne says:

    I also live in a Lego obsessed house but had forgotten the years of having to fix it for the children, I have got too used to the teen who is off in his own little Lego world (yes, still). I love this post and I especially love the photos – beautiful.

  3. Madison says:

    Cool Lego collection. My 5 yr old son is the same. Not for him the foot friendly Duplo bricks. No, he wants the tear inducing teeny tiny Big Boy bricks. I'm always amazed at how varied the pieces are and how much they've changed from when I was young.

    Madison xxx

  4. I remember whether you stepped on a blue piece or a red piece in the middle of the night, they hurt just the same. So nice try with the beautiful images. It's gonna take more than that to reinvent flipping lego for this gal!

  5. Potty Mummy says:

    The socks, god yes, the socks. I'm constantly picking them up. Do they breed when our backs are turned, or what?


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