
Last Thursday, we had a letter from County Council A saying they had spoken to County Council B and found a space for Noah in one of the schools we originally wanted. The school is in County Council B. However it was County Council A who wrote to us. We haven’t heard from County Council B in a while. Anyway, I inform current school (in County Council A) that Noah has a place at a closer school, and will be moving at half-term. Huzzah!

So yesterday, we phone up the new school (in County Council B) and they tell us they know nothing of the situation.

Errrrrrrrrrrr say whut now?

The Mr speaks to them again today, this time armed with The Letter From County Council A, and tells the school all we know. Turns out, the school are fine with this, even though they knew nothing about it. Which makes me wonder; if that’s the case, why couldn’t they just take him in the first place, back when we applied, phoned and wrote to them repeatedly in September?

Anyhoo, Noah has a school much closer to home.

Unfortunately, it’s still not the same school as Isaac. And because they are a different County Council (Isaac is currently County Council A, Noah will be in County Council B), it also means their school holidays are different. So where I was hoping to spend some “proper time” with both of them over half term before launching myself back into full time work, instead we will all be pretty much going straight through until Christmas. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I’ve calculated that if I keep booking weddings at this rate, we may be able to get them back into the safety and sanity of private school by 2014/15. If I suddenly become SUPER AWESOME, it could even be 2013/14. But I might still have to sell a body part.

And then, because Monday is a fucking douche nozzle and seems to have spilled over into Tuesday, my phone died yesterday. It buzzed non stop for about 3 minutes, then turned itself off and refused to switch back on. Before I had backed everything up. And just after I had told a load of potential clients to give me a call. After procrastinating and being horribly skint and staring forlornly at my bank account, I had stern words with my network supplier and made them do me a half decent deal on a new phone.

And then this morning my phone turned itself back on, completely out of the blue.


In other news, I reckon I’m going to save myself some petrol over the next few months, eh?

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  1. Expat Mum says:

    I can't believe the sheer pissing around you've been having to deal with. And yes, if it's no problem to the second school even though they didn't know about it, it makes you think they could have taken him anyway. Sigh.

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      I tell you what Expat Mum, someone, somewhere is seriously fucking about with some kind of Karma Voodoo Doll. *Sigh x 2*

  2. Liska says:

    I should have read this post before I commented on the more recent one.
    So he HAS a new school FAB, and NEARER, but still not the same as his brother :-(
    But at least it saves the *expensive* petrol/diesel.
    But even though they still won't be at the same school, I hope this one will be better than the one he is now at. Less chavvy. Can't tell from your post if you are optimistic or not?
    Liska x


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