Got Your Number (Part 2)

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 28+6 days
Month: 7
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 27 weeks
Heartbeat: Awesome
Time to Go: 77 days
Size: NORMAL!!! (-ish)

I’m still 30, and I’m LOVING. IT. I’ve actually had a great couple of days, it’s been such a laugh. D has really treated me to lots of stuff (including a new camera) and Noah has perked up so much he’s been hilarious. I love them both so much.

I’m soooo not stressed about being 30; maybe because I’ve achieved goals that I wanted to achieve. Not by a certain age or anything, but I know I’ve got stuff to show for the last 30 years. Cool by me!

And so today we had the 4d scan for T.O.O. We obviously didn’t find out the gender (and Mme. Sonographer #5 wouldn’t tell us as soon as we initially said we didn’t want to know. I didn’t cave. I may have suggested writing it down and putting it in an envelope…). But oooooooooooh my god do we have another cutie on our hands! This one is much more poutier than Noah was in his 4d scan, and has the longest fingers I have ever seen. And it kept waving it’s hands in it’s face and wrinkling it’s nose with cute expressions. And (yes, I’m gushing) it kept doing the most GORGEOUS thing where it snuggles against the cord or uterus wall like I’m some king sized snuggly lovey taggie blanket ommmggzzzz the cutenesssss!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!!

“MA!! I AM MEATY BABY!! I present to you,
BEEFCAKE BICEP!!!!! …let the nomming commence.”

Contender for ANTM (with an attitude pout to wipe
the smile off anyone’s face.*)

“Mmmmmmm lovin this placenta cushion thingy.”

Did I mention the fingers?

This is obviously going in T.O.O. portfolio, ready for years
of baby modelling and making us lots of money.

And of course, the size measurements! Yes hmm. It’s looking, uh, ah, interesting? Everything is measuring “perfect” she said, and then told us that it’s all roughly 70th to 85th centile. So uh, yeah, you know, normal (for me maybe?). Actually I was more concerned by the fact that the head was huge, and that I’m going to give birth to a lollipop baby. It’s only common sense telling me at this stage that I know the rest of the body plays “catch up” (hah!! Won’t that be great).

She also said it probably weighs around 3lbs 2oz at the mo. Most of the stuff I read and hear about say average at this stage is 2lbs 7oz -ish. But that’s ok. I’m not panicking. In fact, I know there are a number of things that can still come in to play here.

1) Growth could/will/maybe/might/possibly/hopefully(?) slow down in the next few weeks and towards the end.

2) There’s a huge margin for error in scans. You know, like maybe a 2 million % either way, you know?

3) I still have my GTT tomorrow, which could flag up diabetes, depending on whether I devour another 4 chocolate eclairs (thanks D), the rest of my birthday coffee cake (thanks MIL), yet more Cherry Coke (thanks Tesco) and the rest of my birthday chocolates (thanks K and R, you guys rock). There’s a CHANCE that this test could be negative. Right?

4) The slight concern that I have hydro…hydramo…wait a sec -

- oh yeah, polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid), and then Mme Son. #5 mentioned something about an infection and diabetes, and something about testing but never seeing a test come back positive, so that’s another reason not to worry, right?

And, perhaps I should pay more attention to these things. So I guess it’s additional tests tomorrow morning. Huzzah! **

* I hasten to add we do not know the gender, but since ANTM lately seems to be taking on male as well as female models, we see there shouldn’t be any problems forcing our little one down the catwalk. ASAP. ***

** I truly am not worried, as I know what will be, will be (I’m still obviously going to try to push the button though, if I can of course). I am however, very interested to hear your views on the subject? Many thanks…

*** I think it’s a girl. What do you guys think?

No More Drama

Due Date: 04/21/2009
Week: 28+0 days
Month: 7
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 26 weeks
Heartbeat: 140 summat
Time to Go: 83 days
Size: Leaning Tower of Pisa
Time til 4D Scan: 6 days
Days til I hit 30: TWO. TWO days and I’m thirty. Uh, whoop.

We are inconclusive. Noah has been to the docs, had everything checked (including the mysterious rash that had appeared on his neck in the space of 3 hours), inside his ears are slightly red but not inflamed, chest and throat clear, still has a slight temperature and we have to keep an eye on the rash (which was almost gone by the time he went to bed, 2 hours later).

The most we can get? Viral infection. That classic answer when no one AT ALL knows what the hell is wrong. But you know, that’s ok. People have offered up a million different answers to what is wrong, which is fair enough. But at the end of the day, I couldn’t give a monkeys to what’s wrong, I just want my little guy better.

It’s been such a shitty run of illnesses for him, and I know everyone (worldwide) is doing every sick bug under the sun at the mo. But I just want him to catch a break; long enough for him to not deal with F.O.F. or non-stop coughing or mysterious rashes which come and go in the blink of an eye.

So now, we just keep the Calpol to hand, and always be ready with a large stash of cuddles and burpess and dummies).

In other news, my SPD is now so chronic, Physiotherapist #3 is BOOKING ME IN for weekly appointments now. I think it may have something to do with the fact that on Monday my hips were misaligned by about two inches. Also, one side of my pelvis at the front had shifted out of place by about an inch, maybe an inch and a half. And people think I’m shitting them when I say it hurts to do anything.

I’d gotten to the point where my crutches (yes, from my pregnancy with Noah, which I may have neglected to return) were pretty useless, and every movement left me with tears in my eyes. Not my scene.

So she did her magic manipulation (after marvelling about it with a student, which made me laugh, maybe cos I was proud to be such a fine example?) and mother of god yes it hurt while she did it, but I can walk faster than a snail now, which is helpful. I’m sad that Noah wants to be picked up, like any little boy would, and I can barely do it; this breaks my heart, but I’d rather I cry with pain than have him cry because his mom won’t cuddle him, ya know? How’s the kid to understand?

So fingers crossed, SPD won’t necessarily get better, but hopefully we can keep it under better control. I’m thinking of having Phys. #3 move into our house.

I have to say, I’m REALLLLLLLLY looking forward to the 4d scan on Monday; I feel like T.O.O. has barely had any attention already, and that’s why it spends more time than Noah did making sure it kicks the living crap out of my system. Have you ever been lying on your side, and been kicked so hard from the inside you actually roll over? It’s very surreal. We won’t be finding out the gender, but needless to say I will probably spend hours scanning the dvd afterwards for any clues that only an amateur would pick up on.

I’m NOT looking forward to the GTT on Tuesday, as the last thing I could do with is another “told you so” from the medical world (especially after how much I adore them already). But hey, they wanna do their tests which is fair enough. I will not say “told you so” if everything comes back normal. Also I will not be pissed off if everything goes pear shaped.*

Another thing I AM looking forward to is a trip down to the south coast at the start of Feb; I’m going to see a friend who I’ve never met in person. We’ve spoken many times, and I first got in touch with him by texting him pics of Noah to compare to his own newborn and offering some breastfeeding advice this time last year.

He has no newborn, and I’m hoping to sweet lord in heaven that he does not breastfeed his 2 twenty-something sons.**

I’m going down on my own, without Noah or D, and staying in a hotel on the coast; and I’m excited because it’s going to be 2 days of just me. It sounds so selfish, and I know I’ll feel a little bit guilty while I’m down there, but this will be the first real break from everything in what feels like an eternity. And it’s a break I need, hopefully just to put my head back on the right way round for a little while. Maybe escape some of this endless flying poop.

*Both of these statements are of course blatant lies.
**I hasten to add I thought I was texting someone else, until he politely told me I’d got the wrong number. (EPIC FAIL).

A Collaboration of Pointless Info

Due Date: 04/21/2009

Week: 24+3 days
Month: 6 (you know I just saw this and shat myself)
Trimester: 2
Fetus Age: 22 weeks
Heartbeat: 152
Time to Go: 108 days
Size: My head. Approx.
Time til 4D Scan: 30 days
Can I start by stating the obvious – Happy New Year and all that.
Next, I’m typing this on the beautiful iMac, and haven’t got a clue about half the editing/keyboard shortcuts/layouts and so there may be questionable things every where.
Not forgetting – Poopgate reigns on (I write about poop merely to remind myself of what it is and maybe how to do it. Uncannily, the same vein in which having sex seems to fall).
As well, I’ve just realised how very wrong it is to have poop and sex in the same discussion.
Reminder: Noah still has Excess F.O.F., and has decided to go find himself a lovely cough (which means roughly 3-5 hours of non stop coughing at night, which breaks my heart for him), and we’re taking a trip to the lovely doctors this afternoon to find out why he (Noah, not the doctor) gets pleasure from trying to shove his fist as far as possible into his right ear. Ear infection? Cold stuff? Trying to scratch brain? Who knows.
Additionally, I’m following loads of blogs lately, which is loads of fun and VERY interesting (with some awesome blog titles too); if you want to be included in the links on the left, please do let me have your blog address so I can stick it in there.
Incidentally, last month was the first month where I posted more than 11 blog entries. I have no idea why this has occurred, and there was no particular reason for blogging no more than 11 entries a month.
I was having a look back over what I was doing this time last year and can’t believe it’s actually been a year now. Needless to say one of my new years resolutions is to NOT be pregnant next Christmas; I will in fact probably still be in hospital but only because I will have dunk myself into oblivion. I’m not an alcoholic, by any means, but I feel I’m owed something, you know?
I’m very pleased to announce that the house is no longer on the market with super crappy estate agents, and we’ve got some new agents coming to look at the house next Monday. Unfortunately, it does mean we’re having to seriously consider the fact that we may still be here when T.O.O. is born; something we were obviously hoping was not going to be the case. We’ve worked out that if it’s the same size as Noah, we may be able to last 3 months with it (her – once again I think it’s a girl) in our room, like until it outgrows the moses basket (hah), and we expect it’ll end up in the travel cot at the foot of our bed soon enough.
It’s ok! We can cope. But seriously, if anyone would like to buy our house, like, yesterday, we’d really appreciate it, ya know?
I’m also still set on a home birth, even with the words of the registrar ringing in my ears (whom I will never forgive for saying that my weight gain had been too much, even though most of it was Noah – what the hell am I to do, bitch? Starve the being growing inside me? You wanna argue with it, be my guest, but don’t send me on all your guilt trippy crap. Now get the hell out my face while I finish my McDonalds, dammit). I’ve got what feels like tests coming out of my ears – blood tests at 25w, 4d scan at 28w, GTT test at 28w, growth scan at 35w. I can’t wait to see the results of all of those. *smirk*

Have we met?

Due Date: 01/03/2008

Week: 34+1 days
Month: 8
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 32 weeks
Fetal Heartbeat: 138 bpm
Size: 33 cm
Time to Go: 41 days
So I remembered about blogging. Cos it’s been…roughly…
Umpteen billion years. There’s good reason though!
No, wait, there isn’t. I got tired. I got bored. I got lazy. I got faaarrrrrrr too depressed…
So let me see if I remember how this works. I write stuff, aaaaannnd…that’s pretty much it. So now I need to catch up on the last umpteen months. Well christ I don’t know if I can do that…I can gloss over stuff though! Let’s see.
DPA – they finally suspended me after me trying to work at R as a classroom assistant. It nearly killed me and I ended up going for emergency physio. Yeh that was fun.
Sciatica – not so bad at the minute, but I also have SPD to go with it. Ahhh it’s so much fun! Kinda like being kicked in the crotch with steel-toe hub-capped boots. Repeatedly. It’s a laugh a minute!
The House: Phase 1 (Bathroom) - Oh my god we’ve had no bathroom for the last month. MONTH. The lovely G&M next door gave me their spare key so I could use their loo. I may have died a hideous death otherwise. But it’s starting to look great now. It’s just a shame that Mr Builder likes to show up when he thinks it’s appropriate (like this morning when the sink and shower could be fitted and there’s NO FREAKING SIGN of him). Mr Tiler has done a fab job though, I’m quite pleased. Just sink, shower, grout and floor to go in then it’s complete. Pretty straightforward, huh?
The House: Phase 2 (Nursery) – it’s lovely. I love it. Only, I can barely get in there because at the moment all Mocha’s stuff is stacked in the crib until I feel happy enough to sort it out. Or, eg, until the frigging bathoom is done and I feel safe in my own goddamn home again (I do NOT like having the fucking toilet and sink stored in the bedroom, thank you very much Mr Builder. That’s a sure-fire way of turning me into crazy psycho preggo woman.)
The House: Phase 3 (Home Birth) – yes you read correctly. Whether it will happen is a different matter as everyone seems to be against it (well, anyone in the medical profession. “SPD!” “First time mum!” “We’re too scared!!”. DH is actually really keen on the idea. The birth unit at BWH is horrible. Hospital is a hospital no matter how much you dress it up. The idea of giving birth at home is one of the best ideas we’ve had this pregnancy. I hope to god it happens. And of course, I’ll kick ass on the way if someone says no.
Me – I’m ok. I have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica, Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction and my nose bleeds weekly when I throw up. I live on banana milk and salt. But you know what? I’m good. Actually, I’m great. And why?
Mocha – Oh my god I love this child so much and it’s not even born yet. I haven’t even seen it. Well, we kind of have, at a 4d scan:
Ohhhhhh my god how cute is this child?
I am totally NOT biased. At all. Seriously.