So as far as Noah is concerned, poo comes in various guises.
Noah: *singing* Laser poo…laser poo…cummalahh cummalahh…laser poo…
Me: Ummm…
N: *singing* hmm hmm hmmm…laser pooooo…huh huh huh pooooo…
MBM: Noah did you learn that at school?
N: Yes mommy.
MBM: What’s the song called Noah?
N: It’s “Laser Poo”, mommy. It’s French.
MBM: “Laser Poo”?
N: Yes mommy. Laser poooo…cummalah hmm hmm laser poo. (There are actions, too.)
So I made a mental note. Firstly I need to brush up on my French songs. Secondly, I used to be great friends with his music teacher, I must ask her “what the fuck” sometime soon…