A few months ago (or maybe a few weeks ago? I can’t remember) I once tried to explain to someone what The Noise is like. She herself had some understanding of depression, having studied it, I think. Or, studying the psychology behind it.
Or something.
Anyway, the only way I could convey it to make any kind of sense, was to imagine you’re at work in a hight powered, insanely busy office job, where you get, on average, 30-40 emails an hour. Or, you’re on a switchboard where quite frankly, the phone doesn’t actually stop ringing. I’ve been in both of those situations, having been a temp for nearly 10 years of my life. Very busy, non-stop, always ticking over. Then I told her to imagine all of those phone calls, all of those emails, still coming at you, but this time cram them all into a few seconds, maybe 3, tops. Now, take those few seconds, and stick them all back to back. Forever.
Sound like an exaggeration? Of course it bloody does! How the hell is that even possible? That’s bullshit.
Only, it’s not. It’s how my head works, it’s how my thoughts work; it’s how my mind ticks over, every second, every minute, every waking hour. I say to people “sometimes I barely even remember to finish a sentence because I’m bombarded with so many thoughts”, and they say “God yeah! Me too! Like, last week, I had to remember this, and then the other day, I totally forgot that…” etc etc. People tell me “Oh you should totally make lists! My life is a shambles without lists, saved my life.”
Tell me. How am I to do a To Do list, when while trying to write the To Do list, my brain can’t actually capture and snapshot the things that I need To Do? Do you know the number of times I’ve sat down to to a To Do list and have given up, for feeling so bewildered? Because I simply cannot catch a single thought?
I can’t even explain it.
I’m still thinking about the boy over the road in the field and his cry for help. I’ve had a few texts and messages from people telling me to just ask for them if I need help. “Don’t be on your own; I’m listening.” It’s the loveliest thing, it really is. But I think one of the reasons why I don’t do it, is because when I have done in the past (all too many times) the reaction has been the wrong one. “Oh yes, me too, I totally know what you mean.” Or maybe “yes, yes I think my mom’s cousin went through exactly the same thing, and we all watched her, so I totally get it.”
It’s that “me too”. I can’t cope with it.
Because the thing is, I’m not looking for someone to sympathise with. I’m not looking for someone to pat me on my shoulder with a “there, there, I know how you feel”. I just want someone to STFU and listen to me. And not judge me. And not say anything. Just listen. Really listen. And if they’re superhuman, I want them to take all of this crap, and hatred, and sadness, and anxiety, and stress, and fear, and paranoia, and noise OUT of me and make it all go away so I can breathe again. Then comes the real problem – I want them to listen, and then understand. Really REALLY understand. Everything. All of it.
I’m nervous that I’m now approaching The Braindead Zone again. I don’t go there often, it’s been a while. I suppose the difference this time is that I’m actually writing about before it’s happening? I can only assume that’s a result of seeing Trevor. I’m not at all convinced that I’m strong enough to stop it and keep ploughing on, or whether I’ll just embrace it like a black shroud; like my lovely morbid comforter which I can pull over my head and just stop living.
My short-lived time of no longer being alive to all my senses, where my body finally shuts itself down. Where my brain becomes a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode into the real world again with it’s noise and light and confusion. But finally, finally my body and soul relaxes, dead to everything around it.
Sometimes it’s a lovely world and sometimes it’s hell-bent on destroying me. Most tell me it’s a lovely world. I’m disagreeing at the minute.