Way back in June 2009, I started posting a photo most Sundays. There was no specific reason, but I often found I had just one photograph I had taken, which either summed up my week, really caught my attention, made me smile – WHATEVER. It was often something I could post which needed no words at all. The picture alone didn’t need the words because it said all that could be said.
Hence “Silent Sunday”.
So I continued, trying to avoid using words. Sometimes I find that words can clutter a photograph. Sometimes I want to look at a photograph, and make up my own mind about it, what I think about it, rather than what others might think it should be about. I guess I was thinking, when you go to a museum or art gallery, more often than not the art is just there for you to look at, and not be distracted by a great deal of text. Sometimes, we just don’t need the noise of words, sometimes we just want peace and quiet.
Plus, I often find pictures all the more interesting without words; perhaps I like to give my imagination the freedom it wants. I look back on my early posts, and I know my thoughts have changed completely on the photo, because they have been given the freedom to do so. I wonder now, what was happening? Perhaps it was this? Why choose that? I like this idea…I prefer that thought…
And so, after a year and a half, here in November 2010, I finally open the doors to Silent Sunday, and ask you to join in. your photo…blog your photo… your photo…blimey you could even twitpic your photo, of anything you like. Add the badge below to your blog or post or wherever so people know what Silent Sunday is all about. A linky will be on the latest Silent Sunday post on my main blog each week.
The rules are so easy it’s crazy:
- You use just one photo in your post.
- You must have taken the picture – you cannot use something you found on the internet or a photo that belongs to someone else (*ahem* COPYRIGHT *ahem*).
- Use a photo taken in the week leading up to your post.
- You don’t have to do it every week (and if you don’t want to follow The Very Simple Rules, then instead of spoiling it for everyone else, maybe just don’t post it as a Silent Sunday, eh?).
- It’s Silent, isn’t it? So please, please, please… no words in the post. THE TITLE IS, OR CAN BE, “Silent Sunday”,and/or the date, nothing else. No categories, tags, you don’t even need alt text. Nothing, unless it says Silent Sunday. Don’t insult your blog visitors by trying to tell them what the photo is. I’ll bet they’ll appreciate it. If they can find your blog, then they’re capable of thinking for themselves. It’s possibly one of the easiest and quickest posts to do, so there’s no excuses
Join the linky but don’t follow the rules? Your post will be removed out of fairness and respect for everyone else.
Can you make your picture “speak” without any words at all?

Still don’t get it? Then you need to read this.