Pox Watch Day 4/Half Term Day 1 – Exactly what kind of sweet hell IS this?

You know when you start celebrating something faaarrrrrrrrr too early? And, you’re not smug about it, but you sure as hell feel victorious on the inside?

Seriously, there was NO smugness, because quite frankly, you were so relieved you were planning a spending a week crying in a corner?

Yeah, screw that.

It’s half term this week, so obviously, Noah has chicken pox. OMG does he have chicken pox. He’s currently sitting on the sofa, Calpol’d up to his eyeballs, almost unrecognisable because his face is PLASTERED in calamine lotion. I thought Isaac had it bad? Ohhh God I was so so very wrong.

Not only is he suffering on the surface, he’s riddled with FOF and a delightful hacking cough (as is his brother). Also like his brother, he cried through most of his porridge and calamine bath, and the only thing that seems to be working on him is the placebo of putting cream directly onto his skin. Which works for as long as it takes for him to feel itchy again.

Which is about 3-5 minutes.

I’m amused watching the effects of Calpol; he looks (and sounds) like crap, then about 2 minutes after a dose, he’s excitedly playing with whatever is nearest, ignoring my pleas of “take it easy Noah” and “don’t roll around on the floor because it will make you sore” and “no, you can’t go and play outside, trust me”. This lasts about 10 minutes, then it’s back to the moaning and groaning noises of a child on their last legs.

The Mr is going to learn the hard way that pandering to this every time will land him firmly wrapped around Noah’s little finger. Isaac managed this in a very skilled fashion; I sat back, played the role of The Tough-Love Mom while laughing behind my hands. Both kiddos call for their Dad in the middle of the night now because they know I won’t sit and have a 10 minute conversation with them.


So! Half term. It’s going to be awesome. I suspect it will look something like this:

He’s watching marathon sessions of Fireman Sam on Cartoonito. Good times, right? Good times.

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  1. aw, wee lamb. if there is a 'bright' side, at least they've both had it now so after this it's definitely over! unless of course either of you haven't had it yet… (which is what happened to me. NOT pleasant!) x

  2. Surprisedzoe says:

    Antistamines helped my little poppet.

    Good luck!

  3. JallieDaddy says:

    It must be pox season. Jallie's playmates are coming over tomorrow & the older one has it. We figure that since everyone gets it once & it's worse as you get older then we may as well get it over with! *Goes off to buy a truckload of calamine lotion* Hope Noah feels better soon :)


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