“The Superman”, “The Rapunzel” and “The Questionable Tail or Maybe It’s Something Else”

Remember when you were a kid, and you used to get a tea towel or similar and attach it to your head so you looked like a nun? Or maybe you had really short hair, and wanted long hair for the day so you draped it like “fake hair”?

Or maybe you’re a (tom)boy and you always wanted a cape, so you persuaded your parents to tie said tea towel around your neck? Or if they refused (how dull) you did your best to tuck it into the neck of your t-shirt? Yeah, I remember doing all of the above, and more, and watching my brother and sister do the same thing. We were kids! It’s what kids do.

So obviously, The Smalls discovered the same thing with their burpies (muslin cloths, now their beloved comforters which they drag almost everywhere). Noah particularly likes doing The Superman, even though he’s not entirely sure who Superman is (give the kid a break, he’s 4, for crying out loud. Oh yeah, and I’ve done my best to shelter him. Hah). I think his understanding of capes and cloaks comes from watching The Incredibles, which I think is much more (read: entirely) acceptable.

Isaac, however, seems to have different ideas.

Having spent much time obsessing over the Disney film “Tangled”, he currently enjoys “The Rapunzel”.

I kinda like it. I would have called it “The Pirate”, or perhaps even “The Princess”, but…well this will do.

Now, you can’t knock a kid for his imagination. But what you can do, is wonder wtf their imagination is about when they start talking to you about stuff.

“Make a splash”, said Isaac, handing me his burpie.

Wtf? A splash? Make a splash with a burpie? Uhhh…right. So I took it, threw it up in the air, and made a splashing sloshing noise as it hit the ground. After much shouting and crying from frustration, it quickly became apparent I was very wrong.

As it turns out, “The Splash” was in fact, a puddle. He wanted me to lay it out perfectly flat on the floor, like a puddle, so that he could splash into it. Well OBVIOUSLY. How the hell could I not figure that one out immediately? (Holy crap…)

The latest one is a little confusing me. Sometimes it’s “The Beard” and sometimes it’s “The Pirate”. Occasionally, it’s “The Cowboy”, which makes the most sense to me. I dunno. I’m not even going to speculate.

Anyway, my favourite would have to be “The Tail”.

For this…well, there are no words.

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  1. Kat says:

    Isaac has now killed me with the cute!!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      It hurts doesn't it? I swear they've both killed me dead several times over.

  2. Roger says:

    You do realise that some of these pics are gonna be a slight (ahem) embarassment when he brings his girlfriends home in 10 or so years? :)

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Oh Roger. Have you only just started reading?? ;)

      • Roger says:

        No, but only just had the gall to comment. They're lovely kids with a lovely mum.

        • mochabeaniemummy says:

          Heheh thanks :) I figure by this point, a bare bottom will probably be the least of their concerns. *snort*

  3. Fran says:

    Ha ha ha the tail… absolute scream they are. More snorting here :D

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Sometimes I just look at the photo of "The Tail" to remind me of how awesome they are.

      *continues snorting*


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