Silent Sunday

Pandora Camera

What is Silent Sunday?

Silent Sunday

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  1. Hi, this is the first time I am joining in with Silent Sunday. Hello! And erm, I hope I have adhered to all the rules! I look forward to looking at some of your pictures xx

  2. lol, perfect!

  3. Love it.

  4. What a perfect present! How lovely

  5. Ooh you lucky duck!! I'm waiting for my iphone lenses to arrive… saw that you'd got them too… *spooky noises* doodododoooo! Here's to 2013 being a kick ass year, right? I look forward to seeing more amazing wedding photos from you!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Heheh thanks lovely. It's about time we kicked some serious shit into gear, methinks! Let me know how you get on with those lenses ;)

  6. Great gift! Have a great New Year :)

  7. cute! Happy New Year!

  8. deborabora says:

    How cute!

  9. I bloody love it!

  10. mothergeek1 says:

    This is my first time joining in with your linky on your site. I've joined in with it via love all blogs before though – glad to see Silent Sunday has returned home!! PS Lovely charm!

  11. Lovely charm. Would love a Pandora charm myself ;-)

  12. Its bad news… John Latchem passed away…Sorry.

  13. He thought you were wonderful. Keep that in your heart.

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